Vocals from the Latin vox (voice) are the oldest musical instruments known to man. Its fundamental difference is the ability to reproduce verbal (verbal) information simultaneously with the pitch information. There are cases when vocalists, especially opera singers, excelled performers on brass instruments (the loudest in a symphony orchestra) in strength and duration of sound. Improving your voice is an ongoing process and result of the singer's work.

Step 1
It is necessary to practice vocals only under the guidance of an experienced teacher. Starting to practice on your own, you run the risk of either not practicing at full strength, or overworking your voice. In both cases, you will waste time and energy, because the load is poorly calculated.
Step 2
When choosing a teacher, first listen to how he performs songs in the style you are interested in. If you do not like something, it is better to refuse his services and continue your search. If you hear any defects in his voice, then be sure that he will pass them on to you. In general, most teachers teach students not in the manner that they need, but in the manner to which they are accustomed.
Step 3
You need to do it with pleasure. If singing makes you uncomfortable, then you are doing something wrong. Feel free to talk about your feelings to the teacher. It will help you overcome blockages, relax muscles, and develop range and strength in your voice.
Step 4
Choose a repertoire in accordance with your taste and consideration of your abilities. There must be an element in the song that you have to work on. At the same time, do not choose songs that you clearly cannot play: with too wide tessitature, too high or low borders, too masterly strokes.
Step 5
Do a little every day. On days of illness, it is better to give up singing, especially if the illness is associated with the organs of the abdominal cavity and respiratory system.