If you like to pick up on the tune of popular songs, sing alone with yourself and to the accompaniment of a group of friends, it makes sense to work on your skills. This will not only improve your performance, but also help protect the vocal apparatus from excessive loads.

Step 1
Master the vocalist's breath. Breathe in with the diaphragm, the abdominal muscle, lifting the abdomen below the navel as you inhale and lowering as you exhale. Control yourself by placing one palm on your diaphragm (it should move) and the other on your chest (it stays in place). This breathing allows you to take more air with less effort. Among other things, it is also very beneficial for the abdominal organs; it is not for nothing that yogis practice this type of breathing.
Step 2
Do breathing exercises. First: place your fists on the upper edge of the pelvic bones, open your palms as you inhale and spread your forearms to the sides and down, as you exhale, return to the starting position. At the same time, the shoulders remain motionless. Second: put your feet shoulder-width apart and bend forward with your arms down. While inhaling, bend as low as possible, while exhaling, return to the starting position. Third: lean back, while inhaling, bend even further, while exhaling - to the starting position. It is useful to master Strelnikova's breathing exercises.
Step 3
Sing along. Buy on disk or find instrumental chants on a specialized site on the Internet and sing along to them the sounds that are suggested by the exercises for 15-20 minutes. Follow the breathing technique (breathe in on the chord from which the chant begins), open your mouth wide for correct articulation, sing "on a yawn" (that is, raising the palate, creating an area for the sound to resonate in the mouth). Don't slouch, but don't keep straight like a string either. Don't lift your shoulders. Try not to throw your head back - it looks impressive, but it interferes with focusing on the correct sound production. Gradually, you will learn to play a note by ear and expand the range of your voice.
Step 4
Sing your favorite songs first with the performer, singing along to the recordings, and then - to the backing track or accompaniment (if you yourself or one of your friends play the guitar or piano). Keep track of the technique you practiced while chanting. Your task is to reduce the tension of the vocal cords and make the resonators work (the cavities in the chest and head that are involved in the formation of sound).
Step 5
Start with simple songs and work your way up to more complex ones. Listen carefully to the recordings of the performers, trying to understand how they work with their voice in difficult moments. At the same time, pay attention to the text, do not try to "sing" the entire piece and deliberately "pull" each note. Use your artistry; pop vocals include the ability to "tell" a song, that is, to make intonation accents in those places that you want to emphasize.