The hooponopono technique is the fastest to learn and apply. It can be used anytime, anywhere. No need to set aside time to relax, be alone, you can drive and practice safely for driving.

The beauty of this practice is its simplicity: it is a conscious ritual of reconciliation and forgiveness.
The literal translation of "hooponopono" is to put in order, correct, correct, change, adjust.
By practicing the technique, you thereby correct the "wrong" situations in your own life.
In Hawaiian culture, even illness is believed to be the result of negative thoughts or actions.
For example, if you quarreled with someone and both left in a bad mood, that is, emotions remained open in a negative way, then the consequences may manifest in the future in the form of poor physical health, loss of money, conflicts.
When talking about the hooponopono technique, it is initially implied that it should be used whenever repressed feelings arise. That is, not when a person noticed something bad in life and wants to fix it, but in any situation that left negative, anger, hatred, pity, disappointment.
The essence of the technique is to pronounce special phrases that affect feelings. They are made up of words of forgiveness, love, and gratitude.
Most often, a person who experiences negative feelings about something subconsciously does not accept the possibility of pronouncing these phrases, especially when it seems to him that he is not to blame for what happened. This suggests that the person actually refuses to take responsibility for everything that happens. And while this is so, nothing in his life will change, but it will only get worse.
However, as soon as he steps over himself and utters phrases, he instantly frees himself from the negativity that fills him - a purification occurs, which is reflected in reality.
Taking full responsibility for your life means that everything in life happens according to your will. Literally, your world is your creation.
The most wonderful thing is that cleansing takes place not only at the quantum, but also at the physical level. Problems begin to be solved, some pleasant events happen, situations really resolve by themselves.
These cleansing phrases are:
Forgive me!
I'm sorry!
I love you!
Thank you!

How to practice hooponopono
There are several options for practicing the technique.
Option one
Think about what is bothering you. Now say 4 phrases of cleansing, directing them to this situation, then to yourself. Do this for as long as you can. You can aloud, you can silently.
Option two
It's more suitable for visuals
Write on a small piece of paper a phrase describing the negative situation. For example, "no money." Look at this paper and say the phrases.
If you want to see dramatic positive changes in your life, the first step is to love, accept, and forgive yourself. To heal the "wounds" in the world, the first step is to embrace, love and heal the wounded parts deep within yourself.
Love is the most powerful force in the universe, and by directing it towards yourself, along with sincere forgiveness, extraordinary changes can occur. First of all, within you, and then in everyone else.
The next time someone trolls you on social media, or one of your family members pressure you, take a few minutes to repeat these four simple phrases.
Wait a bit and see the results.
In what other situations in life can the hooponopono technique be applied?
Here are just a few cases when you can and should say the phrases of hooponopono:
- when you quarreled with your loved one;
- you had a fight in public transport or a place;
- complete misunderstanding reigns in the family;
- you have debts and loans, there is nothing to give, and calls from collectors do not stop;
- you owe money and do not give it back;
- problems at work;
- drinks or the husband comes late;
- children do not obey;
- just bad mood.
This wonderful technique somehow changes everything: the husband begins to bring gifts, the children themselves come up and kiss, the boss decides to raise the salary or give out a bonus, the collectors stop calling and you have time to find money, your loved one writes SMS himself.
In fact, there is not a single person for whom the hooponopono technique would not work.
Just try it and see what happens.