Orchid, Bloom

Orchid, Bloom
Orchid, Bloom

Table of contents:


There are a great many types of orchids, all of them are magnificent in their own way and truly beautiful. And when buying a blooming orchid in a store, we do not think about whether it will bloom in the future. But the flowering of an orchid depends on many factors.

Orchid, bloom
Orchid, bloom


Step 1

Everyone knows that the orchid comes from tropical countries. But not everyone knows that for a more comfortable existence, an orchid needs increased air humidity, so it must be sprayed 2-3 times every day. But sometimes this is not enough, in particular because of the heating in our houses. A wide pallet with pebbles will help us out of this situation, into which it is necessary to pour a small amount of water and put a flower pot on it.

Step 2

Orchids like a lot of bright and diffused light, but do not overdo it and do not put the flower pot on the sunny side during the summer. But in winter, during the flowering period of most orchid species, on the contrary, additional artificial lighting will be needed. Its daylight hours should be at least 12-15 hours.

Step 3

Particular attention should be paid to watering the orchid. It is not advisable to water it like ordinary flowers from a jug, but it is better to immerse the entire pot in a bathroom or a deep basin of water for 10-15 minutes so that the roots are sufficiently saturated with moisture.
