Sorcery and magic have become extremely popular today. In newspapers, on radio, television and on the Internet there are offers of help in solving all problems from all kinds of magicians and psychics. Many people are trying to unravel the secrets of magic and get out of difficult life situations as if by magic. Meanwhile, the real magic is not hidden at all in magic spells.

Magic in the human soul
Real magic is inherent in the soul of the person himself, it lies in the disclosure of his own capabilities, only the person himself can change his life, achieve happiness and success. After all, it has long been known that thoughts are material and capable of being embodied in reality. True, there is one condition: they must be clean and free from envy and anger.
There are several more essential factors that a person needs in order to change his life for the better.
First of all, it is health. Moreover, it is important not only the physical, but also the psychological health of a person. It is necessary, if possible, to avoid stressful situations, to be optimistic about the world around us. Of course, a person's physical health does not always depend on himself, but at least he can refrain from bad habits and lead a healthy lifestyle.
Another factor required to achieve happiness is love. Moreover, not only romantic love, it is also love for life, for people, for the whole world around.
The third factor is purity of thoughts and motives, the absence of unkind thoughts and wishes.
DIY magic
A person can create real magic with his own hands, decorating the world around him and doing good. You can do handicrafts by decorating your home with numerous beautiful things - embroidery, knitting, souvenirs or decorative dolls. You can grow beautiful flowers, do bouquets. You can play a musical instrument and fill the world around you with wonderful sounds. All this will be real magic.
And you can become a wizard for others, helping those who need help. You can finally take a homeless puppy or kitten to your place, becoming a wizard for him. And he, in turn, will fill the house with joy and magic.
You can, of course, delve into the study of magic (better still white), especially since now a huge number of all kinds of books on magic, magic and the occult are being published. However, this is unlikely to be of practical use. In addition, since ancient times, witchcraft in Russia caused a wary attitude of those around and condemnation of the Orthodox Church (Suffice it to recall the tragic story of the heroine of Kuprin's story "Olesya").
It is better to remember that the real magic is inside the person himself, and to create it without resorting to dubious spells.