Who is not familiar with these nasty and annoying red insects who love to annoy people with their neighborhood in an apartment so much? But it's one thing to meet cockroaches in reality - here the scenario is unambiguous: urgent disinfection is needed. But how to interpret a meeting with these mustachioed creatures in a dream?

Cockroaches in a dream as a symbol of materiality
In dreams, sometimes everything is interpreted with the opposite meaning: the worse or more unpleasant a similar phenomenon in reality, the greater the luck of meeting it in a dream. So it is with cockroaches. To see this monster at home in real life is a hassle and trouble. Namely, you will have to fight the invasion of cockroaches, be their slippers, kill them with various poisons, just suffer from their presence in your life. Nevertheless, dreams about cockroaches are often interpreted as promising unexpected profits, wealth and success, career advancement, relocation, job change and, in general, changes in life. But much will depend on the circumstances of the dream: how many and what kind of cockroaches you see in a dream, how they behave and what you do with these insects.
Cockroaches in a dream are a symbol of material well-being.
One cockroach may dream of receiving a large amount of money or the visit of a rich and generous guest, patron. You will be especially lucky if the cockroach is large and fat. Many cockroaches can announce the receipt of a stable and decent income in the very near future. But if cockroaches have occupied your house and interfere with your life, then most likely your subconscious mind signals that you need to decide on some step that you have been postponing all the time. Moreover, this step should bring you good luck and prosperity. For example, you might want to take apart the attic and throw out old junk, buy new furniture, or move into a new home. But if in a dream you are trying to destroy cockroaches with the help of powerful disinfection, then most likely, the intended business is just not worth starting, otherwise you will be disappointed.
Cockroaches in a dream as a symbol of quarrels and troubles
Many dream books and interpreters of dreams, on the contrary, consider dreams about cockroaches negative, announcing imminent quarrels and discord in the family. For example, the Russian folk dream book says that trying to catch a cockroach is a sign that you are making more efforts to keep peace in the family. To suddenly see a cockroach on yourself - to unexpected troubles.
White cockroach is a sign of deception and forgery.
In addition, cockroaches in a dream can denote your fears of loss of material well-being, financial stability, or peace in the family.
Famous dream books about cockroach dreams
According to Miller's dream book, dreams about cockroaches speak of a successful outcome of affairs about which you are worried. But at the same time, you will have to rely exclusively on yourself. If parasites in a dream have filled the whole room, then a lot of work awaits you, which will bring you satisfaction and well-being.
According to the dream book of Nostradamus, cockroaches to win in a casino or lottery. A cockroach in your plate - to envy. Therefore, you should not be too frank with friends and colleagues.
Wangi's dream book interprets dreams about cockroaches as warnings about troubles and various misunderstandings that should happen to you. But to kill a cockroach - on the contrary, to money and generous gifts. A crawling cockroach up the wall - to get big money, crawling to the side - to average money, and crawling down - to a small loss or unjustified hopes of profit. Poisoning cockroaches - you are forced to leave the business on which you had high hopes.