How To Draw A Helmet

How To Draw A Helmet
How To Draw A Helmet

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The helmet was invented in ancient times and has changed several times throughout its history. The helmet that protected the head of an ancient warrior is very different from that worn by modern motorcyclists and race car drivers. But they also have a lot in common. Taking a closer look, you will notice that the helmets differ mainly in details, and the principles of the construction of these protective equipment are very similar.

How to draw a helmet
How to draw a helmet

It is necessary

  • - paper;
  • - pencil;
  • - a picture of a warrior in a helmet.


Step 1

The helmet is designed to protect the head. Accordingly, its shape repeats the shape of the head, that is, its basis is a circle or an oval. Arrange the sheet as you like and draw a circle. Draw a vertical centerline through the middle. The helmet you are looking at should be symmetrical. If the warrior's head is in profile to you or at any angle, symmetry will not work. But in any case, you need to build a shape from a circle.

Step 2

Divide the axial section, which is inside the circle, in half. This is where the forehead ends. For a helmet without a visor, this division is sufficient. If there is a visor, then divide the lower axial segment in half as well. In the oval, the proportions will be slightly different. The forehead line will be slightly above the middle, and the bottom of the visor will be slightly lower.

Step 3

Divide the circle vertically. You can draw a perpendicular to the center of the centerline until it intersects with the circle. Make it thin lines or just imagine. For a motorcycle helmet, divide each half of the perpendicular into 3 pieces and set aside about 1/3 of the circumference on each side. Draw vertical lines up to intersect with the bottom of the forehead. Continue them down to the circumference. The knight's helmet has a slightly wider side parts, so draw vertical lines closer to the middle of the perpendicular segments.

Step 4

You have the base of the helmet, now you need to give it the final shape. Draw vertical lines between the forehead and the circle with a softer pencil. Divide the bottom of the forehead into 3 parts and connect the resulting points with arcs with the upper intersection of the axial and the circle. If you have a motorcycle or car helmet, all you have to do is decorate its sides, which can be done to your own taste.

Step 5

The knight's helmet also has different details at the top. This could be, for example, a feather comb. Continue axially up a short distance. Divide the bottom of the forehead into 3 segments so that the middle one is narrower, and the two side ones are the same. Draw 2 lines parallel to the centerline from the ends of the middle part. They should end at the same level. Connect with an arc, the convex part of which "looks" up.

Step 6

The top of the helmet of the ancient Russian warrior narrows. In the same way as in the previous case, continue up the centerline. Connect the points of intersection of the circle and the bottom of the forehead to the upper point of the centerline with smooth symmetrical arcs. Their convex parts are directed towards the middle of the figure.

Step 7

The base of the helmet, depicted in profile, is also a circle or oval. Draw the vertical axis through the center of the circle. Determine where the forehead and visor end in the same way. Mark them with thin lines. The metal side part will be slightly more open, so step back a little from the axis and draw a vertical line from the forehead or visor to the intersection with the circle at its bottom. The top line of the ridge in this case will be parallel to the top of the circle. The ridge begins just above the lower line of the forehead, and ends on the other side approximately at the level of the middle of the center line.
