Yulia Mikhalchik is one of the most popular and brightest participants in the Star Factory project (which took third place in 2003), she has a wonderful voice. This amazingly modest and gentle girl never really advertised her personal life, but the media were always aware of her affairs.

Relationship with Alexander Shulgin
A well-known producer made an offer to 18-year-old Yulia on the air of "Star Factory-3", snatching the microphone from the hands of the confused presenter Yana Churikova. This happened at the graduation concert in December 2003. The man loudly confessed his feelings for the girl and called her in marriage, which surprised everyone present.
Shulgin was not embarrassed by the hype surrounding his divorce from singer Valeria, nor by the fact that he was more than 20 years older than his ward. Julia herself was not against a relationship with such a respectable person, although she knew perfectly well how Alexander's previous marriage ended.
Sasha Shulgin helped Yulia "to her feet", wrote her first songs ("Bird", "Hello, Peter!"). But after the closure of the "Star Factory", as soon as the concert tours of the participants of the third season died down, the cooperation of the composer and the singer began to decline.

Officially, Shulgin and Mikhalchik never got married. Their romance did not last long, only a few months. Together they appeared at social events, even went to Thailand, but Julia repeatedly complained to reporters that her common-law spouse was beating her. The couple soon broke up.
This event had an incredible impact on an impressionable young girl. Julia appeared in public alone for a long time. But one day it turned out that the girl got married.
Vladimir Goev - husband of Julia
She met her future husband Vladimir Goev, according to the singer, for a long time, but officially the young people got married only in 2012. Vladimir is only two years older than Yulia. This handsome and pleasant young man had nothing to do not only with the stage, but also with show business in general. Vladimir is a businessman, businesslike and serious man. It was with these qualities, in the first place, that he won the girl's heart.
In March 2013, Julia gave birth to a son, which was a joyful event not only for the young mother, but also for her entire family and fans. During pregnancy, the singer did not sit at home, but worked, recorded songs for a film about Valentina Tolkunova. Mikhalchik did not sit on maternity leave for long, she took the stage right after the baby was six months old.
The press wrote articles about the incredible love of the young couple for each other. Julia has repeatedly admitted that she is going to devote herself to family life. But in 2016, the couple broke up. The former couple does not provide any detailed explanations about this. Both Julia and Vladimir protect their privacy from too intrusive attention.
Mikhalchik at present
Julia is not a recluse, she loves to attend social events. But she devotes most of her time to the creativity and upbringing of her son Sasha, who is the main man in her life. She pays attention not only to the mental, but also to the physical development of the child. Alexander visits various studios and circles. A caring mother does not tell her son the details of parting with his dad, so as not to injure the tender child's psyche.

The young woman is incredibly gifted by nature. Interesting appearance, excellent intellectual and vocal abilities, calm character. Therefore, she is known not only as a singer, but also as a composer and poetess. In her youth, Julia even willingly posed as a model.
Mikhalchik rarely appears on stage; he writes more poetry and music to songs for other performers. She leads an active and interesting life, not at all regretting parting with her men. The singer believes that there are many good things ahead of her.

With her former lovers, Julia has maintained a good relationship. There is not a single case in the press that a girl speaks badly about them. He still calls back with Shulgin. According to her, she can always count on Sasha's help and support. In 2008, the composer even recorded Yulia's album.
Vladimir remains a loving father for the child Alexander in common with Julia. Despite breaking up with his wife, he continues to communicate with the boy.
Currently, there is no information on whether Julia has a new beau. Mikhalchik herself does not say anything either in interviews or in TV programs. In society, a woman appears alone, without an accompanying person.