A sunflower is a golden-colored flower with many petals-rays, but it received this name not because of its external resemblance to a heavenly body. This plant has the peculiarity of turning its inflorescences towards the sun, for which it received such a name as sunflower.

It is necessary
- - hard pencil
- - soft pencil
- - eraser
- - blank canvas
Step 1
First, you need to decide on the size of the future drawing. Using a hard pencil, mark the height of the flower. We try not to press on the pencil, so that after removing these lines with an eraser, no traces remain.
Step 2
Now let's start drawing the details. We use the same hard pencil for this. We draw a circle, and we determine its diameter ourselves. It should be borne in mind that in the future you will have to draw petals, so the diameter of the core should be determined reasonably. Shade the middle of the flower with a soft pencil.
Step 3
We start drawing the petals in a circle. Their length should be equal to the radius of the core, and their shape should be elongated, with slightly pointed ends. In order for the flower to ultimately look more believable, it is unnecessary to depict each petal with photographic accuracy, it will be better if they are slightly different from each other.
Step 4
Next, you need to draw the stem of the flower. Since the bud itself is voluminous, the stem must also be drawn corresponding to a similar flower. In no case should its width be narrower than the width of the petal.
Step 5
Now we draw the leaves. We choose their number ourselves, but it is worth remembering that most of them should be located in the upper part of the stem.
Step 6
Using a soft pencil, lightly shade the right side of the plant, creating the illusion of a shadow. Remove the auxiliary lines with the eraser. The drawing is ready.