The unpresentable look of an old stool can be transformed into a stylish piece of furniture by making an original sunflower cover for it.

It is necessary
- - yellow yarn (half-woolen);
- - knitted fabric (old sweater);
- - non-woven fabric;
- - synthetic winterizer;
- - foam rubber;
- - green jersey;
Step 1
Tie the petals for a sunny flower. Calculate the number of petals by the diameter of the stool. In this case, the diameter is 38 cm, respectively, 18 pieces of parts measuring 6 * 15 cm are needed. To prevent the finished petals from folding, their edges should be made with garter stitch.

Step 2
For the petal, cast on 12 loops, two of them are edging. In each odd row, knit: 1 front loop, 8 purl, the last - 1 front. Knit all even rows with front loops. Thus, continue up 14 rows.
Step 3
To round off the petals in each 2nd row, knit 2 loops together with the purl. Then close the remaining 4 loops. Produce 18 petals in total. Lightly steam all elements with an iron.
Step 4
Prepare the center of the flower. Cut a 42 cm circle out of jersey or from the back of an old sweater. Overcast the edges with a typewriter or by hand to avoid fraying. Make a 24 cm round cardboard template.

Step 5
Cut 2 discs from a thick padding polyester according to the pattern. Secure the core with non-woven fabric (d -24 cm) so that the canvas does not stretch and retains its shape. Stitch the padding polyester around the circumference in a zigzag.

Step 6
Assemble the product. Sweep the petals with an overlap along the zigzag center. Then sew a needle-forward seam with the same half-woolen yellow thread.

Step 7
To soften the wooden edge of the stool, cut out a seat 44 cm in diameter from 4 cm thick foam rubber with a clerical knife, that is, with a margin. Place it on top of the seat. Cover the foam rubber with a piece of thin linen fabric (d-45 cm). Turn the stool over, pull the fabric tightly and attach it with a furniture stapler to the bottom of the seat.

Step 8
Under the petals, stitch a 3 cm wide strip of green jersey to the brown knitted base. Fold the edging around the outer circumference by 2 cm and sew, leaving 2 cm open. Insert the elastic.
Step 9
Put the sunflower cover on the seat softened with foam rubber, pull off the elastic and tie a knot, cut off the rest. Attach self-adhesive felt to the legs of the stool to prevent scratching the floor. Decorate the case with a satin ribbon bow.