The ancients believed that spirits, good and evil, can enter things and thus influence the material world. The spirit can exist inside any object or be outside it, controlling it from a distance. Some call this a poltergeist, others argue that things have their own memory, as if they were endowed with intelligence. However, no one can reliably say whether, of their own free will, beings from another world take possession of things or even the bodies of people.

In the kitchen, dishes are rattling, someone invisible is walking around the house, moving objects and scaring household members with sighs, coughs or curses - most likely, we are talking about a poltergeist. In the folk tradition, this is most often called an evil spirit that comes into a human dwelling without an invitation. This negative entity has nothing to do with brownies, who, in fact, are the keepers of the house and the family living in it. They take possession of any thing and begin to show activity through it. Spirits do not enter into any particular object, they act chaotically, switching their attention from one object to another.
Such a phenomenon as damage is very often done through things over which certain rituals are performed. Items with a spirit imprisoned in it are placed on the victim in order to harm.
Sometimes it is difficult to evict evil spirits from the house, simple means of "household magic" cannot be done, and people, in order to get rid of the annoying spirit, have to turn to priests for help. It is believed that negative entities arise spontaneously, regardless of the will of people, however, victims often blame their rivals, neighbors, and envious people for the appearance of an evil spirit. Esotericists are sure that some people communicating with the world of other creatures, if they wish, can set a poltergeist on an enemy. However, such charges are unprovable.
Damn things
Another type of otherworldly entities can be infused into the personal objects of people. This can be a mirror, jewelry, hairbrush, or clothing. This creates the impression that the thing is aware of its belonging only to the first owner and does not want to serve the subsequent owners. She may deliberately deteriorate in the wrong hands or try to harm the new owner: injure, contribute to the development of the disease, and even bring to death.
Various man-made figurines (dolls, figurines, amulets, charms) are often endowed with animation. It is believed that a figurine created with good intentions is infused with a positive spirit that will protect the owner.
The most common opinion is about jewelry with precious stones. Rubies, emeralds and alexandrites are very strong stones; even in the days of medieval alchemists, they served as traps for spirits. Under certain circumstances (spells, rituals), the entity could be imprisoned in stone and, depending on whether a good spirit or an evil one, the decoration could bring either good luck and protection, or bad luck and even death.
Even more dangerous are the spirits that enter the human body. In various modern religions, they are called demons or demons, and people are called possessed and possessed. People behave like crazy: they shout in strange voices, fight in hysterics, speak languages unknown to them before, show tremendous physical strength, and sometimes phenomenal abilities. Modern science is skeptical about such messages, believing that this is either a mental disorder or a church hoax to maintain the status of a particular priest, his parish, or the denomination in general.