In Russia they believed: every house has its own owner. They tried to appease him, offering milk, bread and sweets, asked to guard the dwelling. And they sincerely believed that things are not lost just like that, the brownie takes them to play.

Even a skeptical person at least once in his life thought about the presence of an outside force in the house. A suddenly dropped thing, the clatter of dishes, the creak of the floor or cabinet doors suggest thoughts of mysticism.
The benefits of friendship with a brownie
In Russia there has always been a respectful attitude towards the house-man. He was called the owner and keeper of the dwelling. The brownie loves order in the house, peace and harmony, a positive emotional environment.
Thanks to good relations with the brownie, you can get in his person a defender not only at home, but also in your family. All this may seem like a fairy tale, but in real life there were more than one-time cases when people saw in a dream that they forgot to turn off the water or turn off the gas. When they woke up, they found it all in reality.
The brownie can protect the family from evil spirits and anticipate damage. If a person comes to you with evil intentions, the brownie will try to drive him away, knocking over the cups from his hands, dropping and breaking objects. Guarding the home in the absence of the owners is also the duty of the brownie. Even if you accidentally forget to close the door, nothing will happen to your property.
How to return a lost
The brownie is very fond of pranks and positive emotions. He plays with small children, animals and the things of the owners. Quite often there are situations when a person is 100% sure that he put a thing in some place, but this thing is not there.
You can ask the brownie to return the lost thing. To do this, three times you need to say: "Brownie, brownie, play, yes give it back." After that, the thing is usually either in a conspicuous place, or where they have already been looking. And the person, instead of gratitude, thinks that he accidentally did not notice her.
In addition to asking you to give back the lost item, you can tie a bow on the chair leg. It is believed that this will be compensation for the thing that the brownie will return. Some people are helped by the ritual with a cup: you need to put an inverted cup or glass on a completely empty table. After a while, the thing will be found.
To establish and maintain friendly relations with the brownie, you need to talk to him. You can periodically give him small gifts. For example, you should put beautiful bright buttons, beads or jewelry in a secluded place and tell the brownie that this is a gift for him. Treats in the form of a saucer of milk or candy will also appease the host. But the brownie hates the smell of alcohol and tobacco.
When you move to a new house, you can call a kind brownie with you. To do this, you need to sweep the floor and collect dust by pouring it into a new home. Say: "Brownie, come to live with us" and be calm, your home is under reliable protection.