To Make Lilies Bloom Magnificently

To Make Lilies Bloom Magnificently
To Make Lilies Bloom Magnificently

The blooming of lilies is the most mesmerizing sight. To admire this beauty in summer, one must not only plant, weed, loosen and water them. You need to know the "appetites" of your ladies.

To make lilies bloom magnificently
To make lilies bloom magnificently

Candidium lily, the most snow-white and fragrant, is the first to bloom in the garden. Next, the most unpretentious "Asians", or Asian hybrids, start their round dance. Then comes the perfumery "cannonade" of tubular and oriental beauties. In order for the ball of beauties to take place, in the spring you need to show attention and care to each plant.

As soon as the lilies have emerged from the ground, they must be fed with nitrogen fertilizers. They will help plants quickly get in shape and gain leaf mass. For top dressing, urea or ammonium nitrate, 30-35 g per 1 sq.m.

The next dressing must be given to the lilies before flowering, when the buds begin to form. This top dressing must include potassium and phosphorus. Suitable complex nitrophoska or kemira, solution.

Fertilizer 25-30 g should be dissolved in 10 liters of water. If the soil is dry, it is better to spill it with plain water, then apply top dressing. If there is ash, sprinkle around the plants. The color of the lilies will become even brighter and more expressive.

You can carry out foliar feeding on the leaves with fertilizers with microelements (magnesium, iron, boron, manganese). Highly soluble fertilizers in water are suitable for this.

There are some peculiarities in the care of some types of lilies.

Tubular lilies are very fond of lime. After all, their ancestors once lived on mountain slopes, on limestones. Include calcium nitrate in their top dressing, add dolomite or fluff lime.

Oriental lilies, on the other hand, bloom magnificently only on acidic soil. For them, the best fertilizer is needles from under old fir trees.

Asian hybrids are lilies with the most flexible character. They are the most unpretentious. They will grow where they are planted and will be content with minimal maintenance.

All lilies cannot tolerate fresh manure and begin to suffer from various fungal diseases. In a damp, cool summer, lilies from waterlogging can also hurt. For prophylaxis, all lilies can be treated with a fungicide, for example "Hom", "Bordeaux mixture".

Water only at the root. Do not water the plants over the leaves. The only exceptions are oriental lilies. But they can also be watered from a watering can and only with settled and heated water, for example, from a barrel.
