Why Indoor Jasmine Does Not Bloom

Why Indoor Jasmine Does Not Bloom
Why Indoor Jasmine Does Not Bloom

Video: Why Indoor Jasmine Does Not Bloom

Video: Why Indoor Jasmine Does Not Bloom
Video: Why Is My Jasmine Not Flowering? ~ Chinese, Star ~ Winter Jasmin - Jasminum polyanthum 2025, January

Fans of indoor plants, as often happens, when they see indoor jasmine in a store, beautifully braided, with a mass of snow-white flowers and so fragrant, buy it. But in the future, the plant does not really want to bloom again.

Why indoor jasmine does not bloom
Why indoor jasmine does not bloom

Indoor jasmine must undergo a cool winter for abundant flowering. The temperature for winter maintenance should be around 8-10 ° C. During the day, the temperature is higher, 16-18 ° C. During the winter months, the plant will be comfortable in a cool room. Jasmine can withstand even lower temperatures, provided it is gently watered. The most important thing is to protect the plant from the heat and the drying effects of central heating radiators.

Good lighting contributes to abundant flowering. In summer, it can be placed in a sunny place, but it must be protected from direct burning rays. Jasmine will like it if he is sent to live in fresh air for the summer, where there will be no draft and sunny heat.

Watering is an important point in plant care. Jasmine is watered and sprayed (not blooming) with slightly lukewarm water. You can even acidify the water a little so that the water is not hard. In indoor conditions, the plant is placed on a pallet with moistened expanded clay. This provides increased air humidity. The plant likes moist soil, but not wet. In winter, be sure to dry the substrate before the next watering.

Indoor jasmine is fed during active growth every two weeks with flower dressings.

Jasmine is transplanted in the spring into standard soil. The pot is chosen slightly larger than the previous one. When the flower reaches the required size, it is left to live permanently in this pot, annually removing a layer of soil 5-7 cm and replacing it with a new one.

You must cut the flower immediately after flowering. Detach the stems of the plant from the wire ring, remove the weak and old stems, leaving 5 cm from the soil. Healthy stems are cut by one third, as well as lateral shoots, from which 1-2 buds are removed. Braid around the wire ring again and secure. New growing shoots are tied to a ring.

With favorable care, indoor jasmine lives in the house for a long time.
