Why Home Cactus Does Not Bloom

Why Home Cactus Does Not Bloom
Why Home Cactus Does Not Bloom

Many types of cacti delight with their amazingly beautiful flowers. However, in some cases, buds may be missing on them for a long time, this is due to several main reasons.

Why home cactus does not bloom
Why home cactus does not bloom

Improper wintering

Most often, cacti do not bloom due to the fact that wintering was not organized for them in appropriate conditions, and it is at this time that flower buds are laid in such a plant. To provide the necessary conditions for it, it is necessary, starting from September, to move the pot with the cornfields to a light and dry room, where there is a temperature of 5 to 16 degrees. In addition, you will need to reduce the frequency of watering. In autumn, this should be done 5-6 times a month, and with the onset of winter, experts do not recommend watering cacti or doing it only 1-2 times a month.

Insufficient age

If the cactus is not yet three years old, then you should not wait for flowers from it. After all, the buds on such plants do not appear earlier than this age, and sometimes at 4 or even 5 years. To speed up the process of the appearance of flowers on it, you need to create favorable conditions. To do this, cacti must be placed on a window located in the east or south. Then he will receive the required amount of sun. In summer, it is required to ensure that the soil of the cacti is always moist. It is better to take such plants to fresh air and do not forget to feed with special fertilizers 1-2 times a month.

Pot too big

The peculiarity of cacti is that they first strive to develop their root system to the maximum and only then the aboveground part. As a result, flower buds may not be observed on them for a very long time if the plants are planted in large pots. Therefore, select containers of medium capacity for them, and even if roots peep out of the drainage holes, you still should not transplant cacti into larger pots, as this will not benefit their flowering.

The appearance of babies instead of buds

Keep in mind that flower buds develop in cacti on the shady side. If you constantly turn the pot so that each part of the plant receives the required amount of sunny color, then children will appear instead of buds, and you will have to forget about flowering for a whole year. Therefore, if you notice that buds have begun to appear on the shady side, then wait until their length becomes more than 5 mm, only then you can safely turn the cactus with the other side to the light.

Lost moment

Remember that cacti only bloom for a few hours. Then the buds dry up. Therefore, such a period can be missed due to the fact that such a plant was cared for only a few times a month.
