Why Does Anthurium Not Bloom At Home?

Why Does Anthurium Not Bloom At Home?
Why Does Anthurium Not Bloom At Home?

Anthurium is a beautiful exotic plant that attracts not only with its unusual-shaped leaves, but also with bright flowers. But in some cases, the plant refuses to please the owner with lush flowering.

Why does anthurium not bloom at home?
Why does anthurium not bloom at home?

If the anthurium does not turn yellow, is actively growing, but refuses to bloom, you need to revise the rules for caring for the flower. It is important to remember that this is a rather capricious plant that grows in the tropics.

The plant forms flower buds only at a temperature of 20-21 ° C. Most often, problems arise in the winter, if the anthurium is on the windowsill close to the glass. But too high a temperature also inhibits flowering. This plant needs to be provided with stable temperature conditions.

The plant loves bright, but diffused light. Under natural conditions, it grows in light areas shaded by trees and tropical shoots. But direct sunlight is dangerous for this plant, they can cause burns and overheating of foliage.

For a flower, it is better to choose windows located on the south or west side. It is better to shade the plant in bright light after lunch, and highlight it in winter. It is important to remember that anthurium should not be placed in drafts and next to heating appliances.

For irrigation, you need to use only warm and settled water. Do not allow the soil to dry out or excess moisture, otherwise the plant may die.

To create comfortable conditions, the anthurium must be provided with a high level of humidity. The leaves must be sprayed at least 2 times a day, you can also put a container of water next to the flower. If the plant is comfortable, "tears" may appear on the foliage. This is a normal anthurium reaction to proper care.

If you take care of the flower and follow all the rules of care, it will actively grow and will certainly delight you with lush flowering. It is important to remember about temperature conditions, watering, humidity, light and, if necessary, organize artificial lighting.