When You Can't Look Out The Window

When You Can't Look Out The Window
When You Can't Look Out The Window

Since ancient times, people have accumulated many terrible signs, some of them are associated with the window. Many people know that one cannot look out of the window at a funeral even at night. Long observation of the moon will not lead to anything good either.

When you can't look out the window
When you can't look out the window

Many people know about this sign and try not to look at the funeral and the deceased from the window. Superstitious people believe that the soul of the deceased does not like this, and the glass can reflect it. Then she will stay in the house and will constantly disturb everyone living in this room. There is also a sign that a person who looks through the glass at a funeral will soon become seriously ill and die. If, nevertheless, there is a desire to say goodbye to the deceased, but there is no physical opportunity to leave the house, you need to open the window.

But people who do not believe in omens have another explanation why one cannot look at the funeral from the window. This offends the feelings of the deceased's loved ones. A funeral is a mournful event that should not have spectators and onlookers.

In Russia, it was believed that with the arrival of night, dark forces wake up, they by any means try to penetrate the houses of people. If you look out the window at this time, evil spirits will penetrate into the room, interfere with sleep, take away the health and strength of all household members. It is especially not recommended for children to look through glass at night, because they have weak energy.

You should not admire the moon from the window, this can lead to tragic consequences. The night star drives you crazy and takes away your life force. Even doctors and psychologists do not advise looking at the moon for a long time, but this has nothing to do with superstition. Science has proven that sleepwalking and migraines can develop due to such a habit. People suffering from depression, stress or mental illness, looking at the moon, worsen their condition and shatter the nervous system.

The habit of looking at the moon is dangerous for women, especially pregnant women. One of the signs is that moonlight takes away beauty and youth, and can harm the health of a child.
