The moon is a satellite of the Earth that can be observed in the sky almost every night. Sometimes it is so bright that some people even begin to feel discomfort. Since ancient times, many different signs and superstitions have been associated with the moon, and one of them says: you cannot look at the moon. What is the reason for this superstitious fear?

If you look at the moon for a long time, you can go crazy
It is well known that the Moon in some cases has the strongest impact on the Earth. And this fact is not disputed by scientists. For example, during the full moon there are very strong tides that can even flood coastal bays and buildings.
Also, the moon has a strong effect on mentally ill people. There are many cases when, in some unthinkable way, schizophrenics felt the full moon, being in rooms without windows, they began to worry and show aggression. This behavior is due to the fact that the moon acts on the human brain, forcing him to behave more actively during the full moon. However, an unequivocal answer to how the Moon acts on a person has not yet been found, therefore all stories about the influence of the Earth's satellite on schizophrenics are still classified as tales with elements of mysticism. However, it is believed that the full moon is capable of a mentally normal person and undermine his health and "reward" madness, if you look at it for a long time. Believe it or not - everyone decides for himself.

If you look at the moon, you can become a sleepwalker
Sleepwalking or Sleepwalking is a painful condition in which a person performs any actions while in a state of sleep, and from the outside, his behavior seems to be quite conscious and adequate. Those who had to observe the behavior of lunatics were simply amazed at their appearance: their eyes are usually open, they are perfectly oriented in space, capable of performing complex actions and giving logical answers to simple questions.
Even modern science still does not know for certain where sleepwalking comes from, how to treat it, and why in some people it suddenly ends. One of the mystical versions of the origin of this ailment is the influence of the moon. Look at the moon and start walking in your sleep.

What is moonlight
Moonlight is a flux of reflected solar radiation transmitted to Earth in various ranges. When the Moon is in the first and last quarter, then this stream is extremely weak and has practically no effect on a person, however, with the growth of the Moon, the streams of reflected light intensify, reaching their peak at the full moon, therefore it is at this time that the nervous system is slightly excited … It turns out that those people who are prone to hysteria and are prone to mental disorders feel the full moon especially acutely, and there are a lot of them on Earth. You should also add to them adolescents in puberty and women with PMS. So it turns out that more than a third of the world's population is exposed to moonlight.