Bead embroidery has become a very popular type of needlework in recent years, because it can be used to decorate clothes and make them unique. In addition, you can embroider cosmetic bags, purses, handbags, cushions and even paintings with beads.

It is necessary
- - beads and bugles;
- - a needle with a thin eye;
- - threads;
- - embroidery hoop.
Step 1
Place the design on the fabric, hoop it. Arrange the beads and bugles in saucers by color and size. Beads can be sewn to the fabric in several ways. It is also convenient to draw on a needle beads from a nap fabric, for example, flannel or velvet.
Step 2
Prepare your workplace. It should be very well lit. The chair should be comfortable so that your back does not get tired during long monotonous work.
Step 3
If you need to sew several beads, then do it with a needle-forward stitch. In this case, the beads are strung on the thread with each stitch that is laid on the right side of the fabric.
Step 4
If you want to achieve the effect of a denser embroidery, then sew the beads with a back stitch. To do this, make a puncture in the fabric slightly forward, string a bead on the thread, sew it to the fabric and again bring the needle slightly forward.
Step 5
If you need to cover a large area with beads, insert the needle into the fabric as in satin stitching. Pick up a few beads on it and sew them on. Sew the next stitch next to the previous one.
Step 6
For embroidery of various lines, it is better to use "sewing in the attachment" beaded thread. String the beads onto a string and secure both ends. Lay this thread along the contours of the pattern and attach with pins. Then, through one or two beads, attach it with stitches, placing them perpendicular to the beaded thread.
Step 7
Beaded pictures are embroidered with a "monastery" seam. This embroidery is similar to the half-cross technique. String one bead for each stitch. Then sew a diagonal stitch, sew on the bead, piercing close to the bead. Next, sew a vertical stitch. Bring the needle to the right side and sew another diagonal stitch. Thus, on the seamy side, you get vertical stitches, and on the right side, diagonal stitches.