How To See Lucid Dreams

How To See Lucid Dreams
How To See Lucid Dreams

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Many people have heard about lucid dreams, but only a few manage to find out what it is in practice. At the same time, lucid dreams are available to almost any person - to see them, you just need to follow a certain sequence of actions.

How to see lucid dreams
How to see lucid dreams

It is necessary

a diary of dreams


Step 1

Remember that lucid dreaming requires energy. People with good energy often have lucid dreams spontaneously. Everyone else needs to accumulate energy, without it dreams cannot be achieved. To accumulate energy, exclude quarrels, arguments, and any other emotional communication from your life. Learn not to worry about trifles, stay calm in any situation. By gaining at least some level of inner peace, you will save a lot of energy and come much closer to dreaming.

Step 2

Form an intention to perform an action in a dream. For example, a classic exercise is the intention to look at your hands in a dream. Going to bed, intend to perform this action - that is, just look at your palms in a dream. You should not want this, but know that you will definitely follow this action. Compare two intentions - for example, the intention to go and drink water and the intention to look at your hands in a dream. To drink water, you do not make an effort - you just go and drink. The intention to look at the hands should be exactly the same.

Step 3

Be patient. It can take more than one month to wait for the first lucid dream. But if you do not give up, then one day you will definitely succeed. Keep a dream diary, writing down all your dreams in it - such a concentration on dreams brings lucid dreams closer and allows you not to abandon the practice. If you don't have time to fill out your diary in the morning, describe your dreams on a piece of paper, in just a few words. In the evening, using these notes, you will remember your dreams and write them down in detail.

Step 4

Know how to distinguish between ordinary vivid dreams and lucid dreams. The main feature of lucid dreaming is a clear understanding that you are sleeping and everything around you is dreaming. A moment of awareness can occur spontaneously or at the moment when you remember your intention to perform the intended action - for example, look at your hands. You look at your hands, and at this moment it is as if you wake up in a dream. Awareness takes over, the dream begins. It usually lasts a few seconds, less often minutes. Experienced dreamers can dream for hours, but this is a very high level.

Step 5

Keep in mind that the best time to dream is in the morning, from about 4 to 7 in the morning. You can speed up the appearance of dreams if you wake up at about 5 o'clock in the morning, walk about 15 minutes, do something. Then go to bed again. Such a short break stimulates awareness, the likelihood of dreaming is very high.

Step 6

Remember that dreaming is difficult, but it is even more difficult to make progress in dreaming as often as possible. There can be several dreams per night, usually two or three nights with dreams per week. Most dreams appear in the morning.

Step 7

You can enter a dream directly at the moment of falling asleep, but this is a complex method that requires a lot of practice. With your eyes closed, relax and try to stop the internal dialogue. Pay attention to the color spots in front of your eyes, try to merge them together. When a large spot of the same color appears, just look at it. At some point, it will begin to dissipate, behind it you will see some kind of dreaming landscape. After that, he will begin to creep over you, and you will find yourself in a dream without losing awareness.
