What Is Lucid Dreaming

What Is Lucid Dreaming
What Is Lucid Dreaming

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Many people have heard about lucid dreams, but not everyone is able to experience them in practice. However, by doing certain exercises, almost anyone can learn to dream lucid dreams.

What is Lucid Dreaming
What is Lucid Dreaming

It is necessary

a diary of dreams


Step 1

A lucid dream is a dream in which a person knows that he is sleeping and everything around him is dreaming. At the same time, the degree of awareness can change from the weakest, when a person realizes that he is sleeping, but remains a puppet of the dream plot, to very high. In the second case, the degree of awareness is no different from the usual daytime. Consciousness works as clearly as during wakefulness, while a person himself can determine the course of a dream.

Step 2

Be patient - it can take months to get to lucid dreams. It is very important not to stop trying after the first failures, since most people trying to learn lucid dreaming, after a week or two, forget about their intention and abandon the practice. Anyone who does not give up and will follow all the recommendations, one day will surely experience a lucid dream.

Step 3

To achieve lucid dreams, set yourself the task of performing an action in a dream. This is a very important point - a simple desire to dream (that is, to be in a lucid dream) is not enough, a goal is needed. It is the goal setting that allows you to achieve awareness in a dream in the shortest possible time. The goal can be anything, the classic exercise is the intention to dream at your own hands. This practice was proposed by Carlos Castaneda and has proven itself to be excellent. But you can find something more relevant to you - for example, find a specific person in a dream, perform some other action. It is not the action itself that is important, but the intention to perform it in a dream.

Step 4

When you go to bed, fall asleep with the intention of performing your chosen action. The intention should be calm - for example, compare it with the intention you form when doing ordinary household chores. Let's say you're going to the movies. There is nothing difficult for you, you do not need to convince yourself - "tomorrow I will definitely go to the cinema." You know you will do it, and you do. It is the same with the intention to do something in a dream - for example, look at the hands. You know that you will do it, and you fall asleep calmly.

Step 5

Lucid dream begins at the moment when, in a normal dream, you suddenly remember that you were going to look at your hands. You seem to wake up - you realize that this is a dream, that everything around you is dreaming. The first dreams usually last for a few seconds, and with practice, their duration increases.

Step 6

Consider one more important point: in order to achieve dreams, you need to accumulate a high level of energy. You cannot get to dreams without energy. Spontaneous dreaming often occurs in youth when the energy level is high on its own. But when it falls by the age of 40, it will no longer be possible to achieve dreams without recruiting and saving energy.

Step 7

To store energy, minimize waste of energy. Eliminate quarrels, disputes, any conflicts from life. Do not be angry, do not envy, do not worry about everyday problems. Find a high level of inner peace and you will easily achieve dreams.
