As a rule, during sleep, we do not even think about whether it is real or not. Lucid dreams are such dreams when you know for sure and understand that you are sleeping now, and all the pictures that flash before your eyes are nothing more than a dream.

Once a person understands this, he can generate a plot at his own discretion. For example, many fly in their dreams. Most of the population has never entered a state of lucid sleep, and therefore cannot even imagine how great it is.
Stephen LaBerge conducted a series of experiments that scientifically confirmed the existence of lucid dreaming. In a person's sleep, all muscles are blocked - this is done to avoid sleepwalking, but one still continues to move - this is the eye muscle. LaBerge agreed with his subjects that as soon as they begin to be in a lucid dream, then the eyes need to make several movements up and down, right and left. After several successful experiments, there was no doubt. Lucid dreams do exist.
How to learn lucid dreaming? It is not that difficult, but it takes a certain amount of time. During the first time, you need to think about this phenomenon as often as possible, if there is a desire and opportunity, then it would be good to read books on this topic. This is where the practice begins.
We dream every night, but do we always remember them? Keep a notebook and pen near the bed and write down what you remember right after sleeping. Scientists say that if a dream is not remembered in the first minutes, then it will forever be lost in our memory. Everything is simple here. Let's say that of all your dreams, 3% are lucid dreams. What is the chance to remember them if you don’t remember what you are dreaming at all?
Developing critical thinking is the most important thing in achieving lucid dreaming. As often as possible ask yourself, "Am I dreaming now, or is everything that is happening - real?" Here, too, everything is extremely simple.
If you do not ask yourself this in reality, then why should you ask yourself this when you are sleeping? A lot of works are devoted to this topic. A huge number of practices have been developed. If you are interested, then be sure to find out about it.
On my own behalf, I can add that I am periodically in a state of lucid sleep. I have been able to do this since early childhood, so I have not experienced any specific practices on myself, but I personally know people who, following the above points, have achieved success.