Indoor roses are bushes 30-40 cm high, with a lot of stems and thorns. Depending on the variety, there may be different colors of leaves and flowers, their surface is glossy, matte or wrinkled.

According to the generally accepted classification, miniature indoor roses are representatives of groups of garden roses. The Bourbon rose variety is grown at home, although it is not always possible to call it miniature. The buds on this bush last for a very long time and have different shades: cream, pale pink and deep red. The plant begins to bloom late, only by mid-July, but it also blooms until frost, and sometimes until the New Year. For the winter, the Bourbon rose will throw off all the foliage and new branches will begin to grow only in March. This variety is characterized by whims during rooting, it is best to root the rose in April, using a growth and rooting stimulator.
Polyanthus roses are often grown at home, which have a strong pleasant aroma. This variety, in comparison with others, can be called unpretentious, they feel good in pots. The bushes branch strongly and grow up to half a meter in height, abundantly covered in early summer with red or pink buds. Sometimes there is such a delicate shade of pink that it is mistaken for white, but with age, the petals often darken.
Polyanthus roses were obtained by crossing Chinese and multi-flowered roses, as a result, several varieties were obtained that are suitable for growing at home.
Polyanthus roses of the Triumph variety are widespread, lush, with more than usually rounded large leaves. Flowering begins in the spring and lasts until the winter months. The flowers of this variety are double, bright red, the aroma is subtle and barely perceptible. The plant needs feeding, then the rose blooms more abundantly and longer, and in the winter the plant feels good on cold windowsills. The variety "Miniatures", which fully corresponds to its name, is very suitable for apartments. The flowers are also terry, of all shades of pink, in addition, this particular variety is distinguished by good rooting of cuttings.
Roses of this variety tolerate winter well, feeling better in rooms with high humidity.
The variety "Clotilde" has medium-sized bushes and flowers, its flowers have a delicate pink color and a bright yellow middle, and after a few days, already before wilting, the petals fade white. Plants of this variety tolerate winter well even in a warm room, when living on a cold windowsill. The Gloria variety is famous for its color of flowers, which resembles ember in shade and brightness. The bush is small in size and covered with small leaves, the roses are also small. This variety has no smell, but the flowers stay on it for a long time. It is hard to endure the winter in warmth, it needs complete rest and the temperature is not higher than 10 ° C.
The Bengal red rose is also popular in indoor floriculture, which is distinguished by its unpretentiousness among other roses. It bushes well, blooms profusely, but does not smell. The flowers are usually semi-double, medium-sized, red or dark red in color. This rose does not lose leaves for the winter, it treats well for wintering in rooms, continuing to bloom until the New Year, but it will need artificial lighting for harmonious development during this period. This variety is resistant to powdery mildew, but does not tolerate pruning. If you unknowingly cut it off strongly, it can hurt for a long time, only weak and dried branches need to be cut from this rose.