How To Transport Flowers

How To Transport Flowers
How To Transport Flowers

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They say that one crossing is equal to three fires in terms of severity and the number of spent nerves. Moving along with indoor flowers is a doubly responsible and serious business. Flowers require exceptionally careful attitude to themselves, for their owners they are real “children”, vulnerable and sensitive. The same applies to the transport of flowers for sale, especially fresh cut flowers. This business has its own secrets, which help flower growers to preserve the appearance of their "pets".

How to transport flowers
How to transport flowers


Step 1

If you need to move a houseplant, start preparing in advance: stop watering the plant a few days before moving. Potted soil should be dry. The top layer can be covered with a circle cut out of cardboard, this will help the earth not to get enough sleep during transportation.

Step 2

Prepare wooden stakes for long plants. The peg needs to be stuck in the center of the pot and the stem of the plant attached to it. If the plant is very branchy, use a few pegs.

Step 3

Protect the tops of long plants with a canvas bag or oilcloth, in which the flower is wrapped, as it were.

Step 4

To transport the pots of flowers, place them in a cardboard box, placing cardboard partitions between the pots.

If houseplants are to be transported during cold weather, place several plastic bottles filled with hot water in a box of pots. Fill the remaining free space with soft paper or special packing film with air bubbles.

Step 5

Load the flower boxes into the truck last, place the separately packed large flowers first. Secure the plants in the machine carefully to avoid falling.

Step 6

If it is not possible to pack the plants with the pots, then cover the root system with moist moss and pack each flower in a separate bag. After that, you can put all the plants in a common box, which must be laid out from the inside with ordinary building insulation, if the trip is to take place in the cold season.

Step 7

Upon arrival at your new location, immediately unpack and inspect the flowers. Remove damaged leaves and water the plants with warm water. This care will help the flowers adapt after the move.

However, in the winter season, do not rush to immediately open the packaging with flowers. The plant should warm up to room temperature within a few hours.

Step 8

Transportation of fresh cut flowers is also troublesome. The most convenient way to transport such plants is by plane, where they are stored in a special insulated compartment, or by special van trucks, where a special temperature regime is created. Each plant is packed in a two-layer polyethylene, between the layers of which there is an air gap.
