To get to know your favorite singer, you don't have to watch him at home all day long or lay siege to his dressing room after a concert. We will show you how to translate your communication with your idol into a civilized channel.

Step 1
Resist the temptation to get hold of his phone. Calling a popular person is not a good idea, not only because you can provoke him to be rude, but also because, most likely, he is very busy and does not have time for empty conversations.
Step 2
Don't overuse emails either. It is enough once to write a cute poem, a warm wish, but you should not bombard an idol with letters around the clock. Also, you do not need to expect an answer from him, it is simply impossible to adequately respond to dozens of love emails.
Step 3
But how do you express your love? It's not difficult at all! Buy a bouquet of flowers and present it to your adored item after the concert. You can make a more original gift, show your imagination, but in any case, flowers are always appropriate and will best express your emotions. It is not forbidden to add postcards with pleasant wishes.
Step 4
Find like-minded people. Surely your idol has an army of fans. Join her or create and run his fan club. The easiest way to do this is through popular social networks, for example, VKontakte. On the fan page, you can learn a lot about the life of the subject of your dreams.
Step 5
Most popular people have their own sites on the Internet, where, as a rule, there is also a forum for fans. There you can express your attitude to the idol's creations, exchange impressions with fans. Be polite, try to become your own person on the site, and you will get access to exclusive information.
Step 6
Visit the forum regularly, follow the news. You may not have to puzzle over how to communicate with the subject of your passion in life. One day he himself will invite his active fans through the website to share his creative plans and sign autographs. Try to be one of them, and communication with your idol will become one of the brightest impressions in your life.