How Not To Harm With Magic

How Not To Harm With Magic
How Not To Harm With Magic

In recent decades, there has been a fashion for magic. With the help of magic, people try to heal from serious illnesses, attract money, bewitch a man they like, or get rid of a rival. Whether it is worth turning to magic in such cases is a private matter for everyone. However, one should never forget that the main commandment when turning to magic should be: "Do no harm!"

White magic
White magic

White and black magic

Magic is usually divided into white and black. White magic has always been considered to be good, it includes such activities of magicians as healing, removing the evil eye and damage, attracting good luck and wealth.

Accordingly, the sphere of black magic is everything that brings harm and destruction, for example: a love spell, lapel, the imposition of damage or curse. Although there is an opinion that the border between the two types of magic is illusory, and sometimes white magic can do harm, and black magic can do good.

For example, it is possible to attract wealth with the help of white magic, but money, easily inherited by a person, can turn out not to be good, but evil. Their owner can spend them on drunkenness, gambling and other vices and, thereby, ruin his life.

As for black magic, the harm it causes is obvious. You can bewitch a loved one and even marry him to yourself, but this union is unlikely to be happy. No magician will be able to awaken true love in the human soul, he will only put a person in dependence on another, will enclose him in a kind of "cage". However, the captive will always dream of breaking free, besides, sooner or later he may meet his true love and the family based on magic will collapse. If a person wants to impose damage or curse on his enemy or rival, then, in addition to the harm inflicted on another person, he will inflict it on himself, since evil will inevitably return to him.

In addition, the black magician himself harms himself. Once having turned to black magic, a person, as they said in the old days, makes a deal with the devil for life. If the magician tells the one who dared to turn to him for help that black magic only complements the white one, he either deliberately deceives the person, or he himself is cruelly mistaken. Once expressing his consent to do evil, the black magician bears a cosmic punishment all his life.

Magical abilities in every person

It is generally believed that magic is based on magic and miracles, but in fact it uses ordinary physical laws. Magical abilities are inherent in every person, he just has to learn to control his energy and direct it to achieve the desired result.

So wouldn't it be better if a person, instead of turning to magicians for help, learns to use his inner forces for the good? As for the desire to take revenge on his enemies, which can force him to turn to black magic, then it is better for the person himself to learn to forgive. And the perfect evil will inevitably turn against the one who committed it.
