You can hear about the dangers of TV everywhere, but when it comes to what this harm is manifested in, people usually cite unsubstantiated statements that have long been refuted by scientific experiments. However, the harm does exist.

Harm to health
At first, when televisions first appeared, there was a widespread misconception that the "box" was a danger due to the radiation that emanated from it. It is possible that cathode ray TVs could emit something harmful, although it is doubtful that it would really be that terrible, but modern plasma and LED screens definitely do not have any radiation at all. Therefore, you can forget about harm of this kind.
Nevertheless, TV is still harmful to health: it impairs vision. The screen of a computer or smartphone affects the eyes in the same way. If you sit at the computer most of the day, and spend the rest of it in front of the TV, then the probability that visual acuity will drop over several years is about 70%. Therefore, firstly, it is not recommended to sit too close to the screen; secondly, one should not forget about gymnastics for the eyes; and thirdly, it is useful to be more often in nature, chat with friends or play sports to keep your eyesight in order.
Another harmful aspect of the TV is, rather, not in itself, but in the sedentary lifestyle that fans of TV series and talk shows usually lead. If you sit in front of the TV to watch something, then not only do you spend long hours in front of it, but you also often take something to chew with you. So it turns out that among those who are obese, there are many who like to relax in front of the screen.
To nullify this effect, try watching TV in a different way. Jump rope, do stretching exercises, march around the room: do any exercise while watching TV.
Impact on the psyche
Another negative influence of television is the formation of public opinion and a negative impact on the psyche as a whole. Remember when was the last time you saw some good news? As a rule, they broadcast what will arouse the greatest interest of people, and this, sadly enough, is various disasters and conflicts. It is unlikely that the audience will watch with enthusiasm the plot about how calmly and happily someone's life is going.
The TV is mesmerizing. The announcers speak in a clear and confident voice, and their arguments seem to be well founded. So what if they said something completely different last year, who remembers this? A considerable number of people do not at all seek to form their own opinion, preferring to copy the words perceived from the screen in everything.
The amount of violence and negativity that pours on people from television screens, as psychologists have found, significantly increases the likelihood of developing a neurosis. Try to limit the amount of time you spend in front of the screen. You don't have to watch the news every day. Just check how your mood changes.