The game "Jammer" quickly gained popularity among users of the Russian-speaking Internet. Moreover, it is not at all criminal elements that play it. Rather, we can assume that some of them do it, you cannot vouch for everyone. But mischievous boys, and modest girls, and adult men in solid business suits, and housewives in between washing clothes and preparing a home-cooked dinner, got hooked on the "Jam"

The phenomenon of slammer interests many, especially parents who hear slang words periodically heard from the computer speakers of their children: nishtyak, in kind, bro and the like. But don't worry. The virtual slammer, if it has anything to do with thug romance, is no more than a chanson, the sounds of which rush literally from all sides.
In order to become a successful player, you need to have a lot of friends who also play Tyuryaga. The presence of at least 5 homies, who daily send warming up in the form of additional energy, will allow at least to move faster in the movements that represent a release in one or another prison. Also, only with the support of the same players, combat raids are possible, in which the amount of damage inflicted over a certain time period is considered to a drawn character-authority.
Thus, the Jammer becomes not so much a game as a means of communicating with their own kind. The "inmate" finds new friends, exchanges experience, gifts with them, negotiates joint actions, that is, practically comprehends the art of diplomacy.
Another significant plus of the game is the developing ability to correctly distribute the available resources. Toilet paper, coins, cigarettes, sugar and soap are used as currency in Tyuryag. You can spend them in different ways. Buy a new camera, send a parcel to a sidekick, purchase means of attack, pay for an original tattoo, or just play cards. Having thoughtlessly squandered this or that property, the next time the player will think whether that game is worth the resources spent on it and whether it is not better to spend them on a more useful acquisition.
Of course, purely theoretically, being involved in a slammer can do some harm to a person who has played too much, even develop a certain kind of addiction. But we must admit that in the modern world no one is immune from this. Moreover, each of us is constantly at risk of becoming addicted to toys, social networks, forums, delicious food … The list is endless. A virtual prison is one of the most innocuous points in it, besides, as practice shows, after a year or two, interest in the game weakens, Jammer fades into the background, and the experience of socialization gained in it will remain forever.