How To Make A Bell From Threads

How To Make A Bell From Threads
How To Make A Bell From Threads

Table of contents:


Small pom-poms, colloquially called bells, can decorate children's clothes and give them a special charm. The pompom can be large, or you can make several small multi-colored bells and attach them to a hat or blouse.

You can even decorate shoes with bells
You can even decorate shoes with bells

It is necessary

  • - threads
  • - cardboard
  • - scissors
  • - Crochet hook
  • - pencil
  • - compass


Step 1

Draw two identical circles on thick paper or cardboard. The size of the future bells will depend on their size. The easiest way to do this is with a compass, but you can also take any round object and simply trace around it, such as the bottom of a glass.

Step 2

Cut out the resulting circles with scissors. In the center of each of them, draw a circle with a smaller diameter and cut a hole in their place.

Step 3

Fold the resulting rings together, start wrapping the resulting ring with threads. The easiest way to do this is to pull the thread through a large needle.

Step 4

To make a bell, you can take either one single color or several different ones, alternating them in any sequence.

Step 5

Wind the thread until the hole in the center is almost completely closed. Pull the end of the thread inside the resulting skein and tighten with a strong knot.

Step 6

Cut the threads along the outer edge of the ring, separate them from the cardboard, fluff the resulting pompom.
