In the virtual magazine, you can post your photos, diary entries, articles, as well as reviews of any products in order to attract buyers. You can make your own magazine in just a couple of minutes.

Step 1
To get started, register on one of the services where magazine placement services are provided free of charge. Then you can fill it with the necessary materials.
Step 2
If you are not annoyed by advertising and you strive to use the most popular things, then choose the LiveJournal platform. A huge community of LiveJournalists works on it, however, in every blog adverts from the creators of the resource flaunts.
Step 3
If you immediately plan to post large-sized photos in your magazine, then you can opt for the platform. It has 3 GB of disk space, which will be quite enough to get started, besides, it has built-in anti-spam protection.
Step 4
If the first thing you think about is indexing in Yandex directories, then prefer the platform of this Russian search engine Its capabilities are somewhat limited, but your records will be perfectly indexed.
Step 5
On the service, you can create mail and make a search. However, your records will be located in a subdirectory of the platform, so it will be completely impossible to get your own TCI and PR values.
Step 6
Choose the platform for free placement of the live magazine Mail. Ru, created by the Russian-language service of the same name. This site is one of the most popular sites for keeping live magazines at the moment. In it, you will not find advertisements located inside magazines or blogs. However, a significant drawback is that your journal will take up space in the 3rd level subdomain and in the subdirectory, which also does not imply receiving TIC and PR.
Step 7
You can also pay attention to another popular service for placing free magazines The presence of a huge amount of advertising on the pages of the resource is compensated by the convenience of its use, as well as the popularity among LJ users. True, your entries will also be in the service subdirectory.