According to legends, every house and apartment has its own brownie. It does not depend on the conditions of the atmosphere, on the nature of the residents. Popular belief says that a brownie can be both good and evil. It all depends on a particular situation.

Brownie - who is this?
There is an opinion that the brownie is a cousin of the devil himself. Despite this, it is impossible to drive him out of the house in any case! The fact is that since ancient times people have endowed brownies with good worldly qualities. Brownie, according to folklore, is the spirit of order in the house, the guardian of the hearth and the keeper of home traditions. It is believed that brownies drive out the dark forces, help the owners with household chores, etc. A good brownie is one with whom the tenants have established close contact.
A brownie started up in the house. What to do?
At all times, people tried to appease brownies in order to attract them to their side. To do this, the owner of the house needs to make a certain sacrifice to the housekeeper. It is believed that the spirits of houses love rye bread, so a piece of this bread left on the table on the night from Sunday to Monday can act as a “victim”. It is recommended to sprinkle the hump with salt. It is generally accepted that the brownie is waiting for a special invitation to the meal, therefore, mentally or aloud, he must be called to the table.
In order for the brownie to be supportive of the owners, it is recommended to make an unusual gift for him. Since these perfumes love to play with old beads, jewelry and coins, you need to put some of your jewelry in a shiny casket (or box) without a lid, put it in a secret place and tell the brownie that this is a gift for him.
Old Believers claim that brownies hate dirt and clutter in the house. There is an opinion that in such houses and apartments the spirits begin to make noise at night, to brawl and frighten the owners. The fact is that the brownie is a true "gourmet" in everyday affairs. If something does not suit him, he can leave the house. Everything would be fine, but trouble awaits the tenants of an abandoned house: money in this family will not linger, men will start drinking, and wives will be debauched.
To prevent this from happening, you need to love your brownie, not to offend or anger. There is no need to leave sharp objects (forks, knives, needles), as well as onions, garlic, salt and pepper on the table overnight. The brownie does not like these things, so their presence in an open place can make him angry. And in general, a cozy and kind atmosphere should reign in the house, since a brownie is still a good spirit.
Sometimes brownies can indulge in climbing on their owners' beds while they sleep. If at night there is a feeling of heaviness on the body, then it is believed that this brownie climbed onto the person and strangles him. In this case, it is recommended to put thyme under the pillow. You can read the prayer "Our Father". During the reading of the prayer, it is necessary to baptize not only yourself, but also the brownie.