In ancient times in Russia it was believed that in every house there is a brownie - a spirit that helps in the household, protects property, looks after livestock, protects the house from trouble. He usually lived next to the stove. The family tried to appease him in order to receive help from him. There are opinions that brownies are generic spirits. Everyone treats these beliefs differently. But still, some people strive to attract a brownie into their home.

Step 1
To attract the brownie into the house, in the evening or at midnight on the new moon (or on the growing moon), light a candle, pour milk in a saucer, and put a piece of bread in another and call the brownie, Promise to treat him well and ask him to do the same. Better to do this in a room where no one sleeps, then go out and close it until morning.
Step 2
It is believed that most brownies are kind and will help if you make contact with them. Leave gifts such as candy, cookies, milk and sugar. They can be placed under the battery, on the refrigerator, in the corner, etc. Contact the housekeeper, ask him to take a treat, take care of the house and not harm its inhabitants, attract good luck and prosperity. The next day, pour the drink outside or into the sink. Candy can be left until next time. You can treat the brownie once a month, as well as on family holidays. If you have a souvenir or a figurine in the shape of a brownie, you can leave gifts next to it. It is believed that the brownie loves gifts. Try leaving a box for him without a lid with nice buttons, beads or coins.
Step 3
If you do decide to attract a brownie, keep it clean. It is believed that brownies love order in the house, and they dislike unscrupulous owners. There is also an opinion that they do not like tobacco smoke. Previously, there was even a Brownie Day, when they tried to keep the house clean and not swear, so that the guardian of the house could have a good rest and be supportive of the owners. There are opinions that there is a brownie in every house or apartment, and its character depends on the atmosphere in the home and in the family. He helps kind and homely owners, finds lost things, protects the house from theft and fire. Unfriendly guests in such a house do not linger and feel uncomfortable. But most likely, there are still not brownies in all dwellings.
Step 4
Various beliefs are associated with the brownie. It is believed that he has no gender, although traditionally he is addressed as “Grandfather”, “Father”, “Boss”, etc. Try to address him in words, say hello in the morning and say goodbye, leaving for work, while asking to look after the house. The brownie can live under the ceiling or near the battery, anywhere else. Sometimes he loves to play with animals, it is believed that, for example, cats can even see him and see him off.
Step 5
If you are moving and want to take the brownie with you, on the doorstep say something like: "My master, come with me." In the evening, invite him to climb into a bag or sack, which you will take with you to your new apartment.