The brownie is an independent and very vulnerable creature, and therefore constantly hidden from prying eyes. It cannot be summoned with spells. And he himself can appear in his true guise only in one case - before a serious incident: joyful or sad. At least that's what our ancestors thought. But then how do you know if there is a brownie in the house? Let's try to give an answer.

Who is he, this brownie
According to beliefs, this is the Spirit of the house or, if you like, its Master. Supposedly, he can be mischievous or harmful, kind or mischievous. But he always tries to help. Looks like a shaggy man with a long beard. He settles in an apartment in a dark corner or in a private house behind the stove (in the modern version, behind the stove). Of course, you may not believe in him. But if at night you hear rustling in the corners or creaking of floorboards, the clatter of dishes in the kitchen, the murmur of tap water, and any treat lying on the table inexplicably disappears, you should know: you are not crazy. This brownie is weird.
What are the signs of brownie
The brownie is invisible, but its presence in the house can be recognized by a number of signs. So, you can take a closer look at pets. If they behave somewhat unusual, for example, the cat seems to be dancing, playing, and the dog friendly wagging its tail, looking into the far corner, it means that they have noticed a kind "old man".
Loud footsteps in the kitchen when no one is there, the disappearance of silver spoons or toys, prophetic dreams often seen by households, slamming doors, unexpected doorbells, a sudden drop of dishes and breaking them - all these are also signs of the presence of the Spirit in your home. But if you are used to explaining such phenomena in a scientific way, try to conduct a special ritual that will definitely convince you.

How to find out if there is a brownie in the house using the rite
It is impossible to summon a brownie with a spell, as already mentioned. But you can try to piss him off a little so that he shows himself. To do this, any summer evening, before going to bed, the head of the family should remove everything from the kitchen table and put a note in its center with the words written on it in his own hand: "I am the master of the house." Put a glass of clean water on the same piece of paper. After that go to bed. In the middle of the night or closer to morning, you may hear loud footsteps, clatter of dishes, knocking on the window or even muttering, or feel jolts, pinches, or suffocating touches in your throat. Don't be alarmed, it's just that the brownie got very angry. Tell him like this:
During this time, you may even hear muttering. This means that your brownie has ceased to be offended for the provocation. Now you can even talk to him. For example, you should ask where he lives in the apartment or house, or what his name is. By the way, if the brownie is very active, it means that he is strong. Therefore, it will be able to protect your home from various misfortunes and evil. He will not swear and play pranks because of your actions. But in the morning it is still worth putting a treat in the right corner. And in general it does not hurt to make friends with this creature.

How to make friends with your brownie
To improve relations with your brownie, you can do several things. Here are some of the best ones:
- Put in a secluded place a saucer with sweets without wrappers, cookies, landrines, poppy seed dryers and other treats.
- Thoroughly clean the house, remove various old rubbish - torn shoes, broken dishes, other unnecessary small things.
- Don't forget about the brownie's birthday. Traditionally, it is celebrated from 10 to 11 February. Now, as an offering, dishes from cereals (for example, rice or buckwheat) and honey will come in handy.
Well, and, of course, household members should not swear among themselves, as well as offend small children and four-legged pets. Then the brownie, looking from a hidden place at you, will be happy and help in everything he can.