You, for sure, should have remembered from a school physics course that in a magnetic field a force acts on a conductor with a current, causing it to rotate. In our simple motor, the assembly instructions for which are given below, the rotor will be a screw. A constant electric current will pass through it, and the magnetic field, respectively, will be provided by a magnet. Everything is very simple. Even a child can assemble such an unpretentious engine, spending no more than half a minute on it.

It is necessary
battery, wire, screw, magnet
Step 1
Take a piece of wire, strip at both ends. Bend it slightly and set it aside for a while.
Step 2
Take a screw and place it on the magnet, head down (it should stick with the flat side). The magnet for assembling an electric motor can be removed from old small headphones, "bumps" or removed from the compact version of the magnet for the refrigerator. Bring the screw with the magnet to the edge of the battery. The screw will become magnetized and stick with the tip. The motor rotor is ready.
Step 3
With one hand, press one end of the wire against the edge of the battery opposite from the screw. Bring the other end to the other end, the head of the screw with the magnet. When touched, the screw will start to move.