Since 2011, on the territory of the Russian Federation, for all lovers of hunting and fishing, a Unified hunting ticket has been introduced, replacing the old hunting ticket of various communities. How do I get it? What documents are required for its registration? Let's look for answers to these questions together.

Old Hunter's Ticket
"Do I need a hunting ticket?" - this question is asked by novice hunters. Of course you do. Indeed, without a hunter's ticket, you will not be able to obtain a license to use and store smooth-bore or rifled weapons.
According to the old version of Law No. 209 of July 24, 2009 "On hunting and on the preservation of hunting resources and on amending certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation", in order to get a hunter's ticket, it is enough to provide a passport and your 3x4 photos to the hunting farm, on the territory which you are going to hunt or fish. The re-registration of the hunting ticket was required annually. And every five years - a replacement for a new one.
New Hunter Ticket
But from now on, from January 20, 2011, in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation No. 13 "On Approval of the Procedure for Issuing and Canceling a Hunting Ticket of a Unified Federal Model, Hunting Ticket Form," every fan of shooting birds and animals should receive a hunting federal ticket. Such a ticket is issued indefinitely. Its owner can hunt throughout the Russian Federation.
Can I get a new hunting ticket?
If you are an adult, have no criminal record and know the hunting minimum (according to hunting legislation), then there are no obstacles to getting a new hunter ticket.
Where can I get a new hunting ticket?
New hunting tickets are issued by the Committee for the Use of Natural Resources of your settlement and multifunctional centers, where you need to apply personally, or send all documents by mail. The service of obtaining a hunter's ticket is free of charge and does not require any fees or state fees.
What documents are required to obtain a new hunting ticket?
1. Your passport
2. Copy of passport pages with photo and place of your registration
3. 2 color or black-and-white photos 25 * 35 mm.
4. Old sample hunting ticket (only if it has not expired)
5. Application (an application form and a sample of its filling will be provided to you where you apply for the service. Or you can download the form from the Internet yourself)
How soon can I use my new hunting pass?
After submitting an application to the Committee for the Use of Natural Resources of your settlement or multifunctional center, within 5-10 days you are required to issue a new sample of a hunting ticket. In a few days, your ticket will be entered into the state register and you will be notified by phone. That's all. Now you can absolutely legally engage in hunting and fishing.