Going out to hunt, every hunter, in order to calmly and legally indulge in this occupation, must have a single hunting ticket, certifying his right to hunt; ATS permit to carry hunting firearms. You must additionally have a special permit when hunting licensed species of animals.

Step 1
The issuance of a hunting ticket and its registration are recorded in the books of the established form, which must be laced, numbered, sealed with the seal of the Hunting Department and the signature of the head of this territorial subdivision.
Step 2
When a hunting ticket expires, it must be replaced. If it is necessary to renew the certificate, the process is greatly simplified. To extend a hunting ticket, its owner must provide all the necessary documents at least 30 days before its expiration date, since the procedure for issuing hunting tickets is a serious procedure, calculated for exactly 30 calendar days. Also, when changing the place of residence, the hunter is obliged to deregister at the organization that issued the ticket, and register at the new place of residence within 14 days.
Step 3
Documents required for the annual registration (renewal) of state hunting tickets: a completed application for the renewal of a hunting ticket; passport and a copy of the registration pages and a spread with a photo; unified state hunting ticket.
Step 4
There are no government fees for hunting tickets. All the hunter needs is not to miss the expiration date of the hunting ticket and to comply with all the prescribed norms and requirements. After all, having a certificate provides an opportunity to get great pleasure from hunting and communicating with wildlife.