There are a large number of fans of hunting, weapons and outdoor activities in Russia. For unhindered hunting, you must have a hunting ticket. And for the owners of smooth-bore weapons, he is able to make life easier.

Appointment of a hunting ticket
The most important purpose of a hunting ticket is permission to hunt. If you are going to hunt an animal or bird without this document, you will be recognized as a poacher and subject to an administrative penalty in the form of a fine.
Until 2011, the old procedure for issuing hunting tickets was in effect. Previously, there was no single document, and the issuance of hunter's certificates was carried out by various hunting societies. The owner of such a document had to join such an organization and pay membership fees. This allowed him to hunt on the territory of the lands and hunting grounds owned by the society. On the other hand, he could have problems if he wanted to hunt in another region or in the territory of a society of which he was not a member.
Now the situation has changed. The state took up the establishment of order in the hunting and forestry areas. The result of this work was the introduction of a unified hunting license of a new type. It is valid throughout the country and replaces regional tickets, which have become invalid and are now a simple membership card of the hunting society. Having received a single ticket, you have the right to hunt throughout Russia.
Hunting ticket and weapons
Can a hunting ticket be useful for a person who is not interested in hunting? Yes, the presence of this document can help the owners of civilian weapons who buy them for self-defense and shooting sports.
Of course, smooth-bore weapons today can be purchased without a hunting ticket. But in this case, you will not be able to safely wear it. The usual permission for a weapon allows only its storage at home, in a special safe. Transportation is only permitted for repair or sighting purposes.
If you want to carry a gun with you in the car, take it on a hike in the wild or take it to a shooting range, you should get a hunting ticket. Its owner can freely carry weapons, observing certain rules.
Another option available to hunting ticket holders is the right to purchase rifled weapons. Having received the document, it is enough to wait five years, and you can purchase a rifled carbine. The usual permit for the storage of weapons gives the right only to smooth-bore shotguns.
If you want to purchase edged weapons, you will need a hunting ticket. It gives the right to purchase and carry hunting knives. Of course, now the criminal liability for carrying edged weapons without permission has been abolished. But if the police find it in your possession, it will be confiscated. In addition, without presenting a document, it may simply not be sold to you.