It is not difficult to portray a person under an umbrella. First, you will create the outlines, then, based on the construction lines, place the selected objects on the canvas. For young artists, this is an easy way to depict. For those who have experience of this kind of creativity - a slightly complicated option.

An easy way to draw an umbrella
If you look at a short person under an umbrella, then this rain device almost completely covers his face, only his chin is visible. This will help the easy way to draw.
Lay the sheet upright. In the middle of its upper part, a little to the left, draw an umbrella hat. To do this, draw the upper half of the oval, at the bottom, connect both sides of it with a straight line. In the middle of the semicircular line upward, draw a small vertical line directed upward - this is the umbrella pin. Draw 2 segments from it to a straight line so that they break the fabric base of the device into 3 identical triangular sectors.
Thus, you have drawn an umbrella, it remains to draw its handle. To do this, from the middle of the bottom of the rain protector, draw a line down and slightly to the right. At its end, make a semicircular line curved upward - the lower part of the handle.
The iron base of the umbrella rests on the girl's right shoulder. Draw both of her shoulders. The neck begins between these parts of the body, label it. Draw the chin as well, it is also visible. The rest of the face is hidden by the canopy of the umbrella.
A hand goes down from the right shoulder, from the elbow it bends towards the umbrella handle and holds it. The second hand can be lowered down or slightly bent at the elbow in time to walking.
Draw the body down from the armpits. If the weather is rainy, then the girl can be dressed in a loose raincoat, it does not fit the figure. Therefore, draw the sides of the lady with lines drawn from the armpits down and slightly to the right and to the left, if the robe is flared.
From under his hem, two legs go down, let the cloak be up to the knees. You can depict the left leg straight, and the right one slightly set forward, then you can see that the person drawn under the umbrella is in a hurry about his business, is in motion.
If this is a girl, leave the umbrella unpainted, let it be light. Sketch the legs with pencil strokes, mark the elements of the cloak - collar, buttons, pockets. Draw palms from the bottom of the sleeves, and shoes from the bottom of the legs.
Slightly complicated option
You can make the umbrella look more realistic. To do this, draw it in the shape of a horizontal oval. Sharpen it to the right and left sides. From them, lead to the center of the oval along the line. 6 more symmetrical lines emerge from the same place. They all divide the umbrella into sectors. These are his knitting needles. From the point where they intersect, draw down the metal handle of the rain protector. Show how the lower part of the spokes is visible from under the canvas, in this place the elements of the dome are sharpened.
The rest of the drawing can be similar to the previous one, only to the right of the pen draw the face of a person who is trying to hide from cold drops.