The depiction of a human figure is a fascinating part of the artist's work. This facility provides opportunities for research. At the same time, it is more difficult to draw it than another nature. Practice, improve your skills and craftsmanship, and see the results.

It is necessary
sheet of paper, pencil, eraser, tablet, clips
Step 1
Take a soft lead pencil. It glides well, making it ideal for beginners to sketch. You will also need a drawing board with a flat, smooth, resilient surface. For work, a piece of Mazonite is suitable for you, having a thickness of 0.5 cm and rounded edges. Prepare a soft, grainy drawing paper. In addition, you will need four spring clips to secure the paper to the tablet.
Step 2
Learn to see movement and convey it in your drawing. Observe someone, and then make some sketches to capture the dynamics. Learn to create such mini-drawings quickly, without stopping, assessing the proportions of nature, correctly placing the object on the sheet, taking into account its size.
Step 3
Find the midpoint of the object. This will solve the problem of proportions. Divide the object visually into two halves. A light sketch that you need to do to find the middle between the top of the head and the feet can help in this. Test yourself with a pencil. Attach its tip to the top point of the object on the sketch and place your finger on the found midpoint. Then, without letting go of your toe, line up your pencil in the middle and see if your toe is aligned with the base of your foot.
Step 4
Practice sketching the different parts of the human body. It can consist of volumetric and simple shapes. Temporarily omit the details and look at the figure as a shape hewn out of stone. Learn to draw large shapes, and then move on to modeling the details. Learn that head height is used as the basic unit of measurement for a person's figure. The proportions of people are different, but the proportions are similar.
Step 5
Keep in mind that the skeleton and muscles form the composite of the flexible and rigid elements of the human body. The artist needs to know how muscles work in order to correctly convey the structure of the figure. Examine the main points: where the muscles are attached, where the movement ends. There are many areas where the outline of the bones is visible, regardless of the person's physique. These points must be taken into account when depicting a person.
Step 6
Move on to the details of the human figure. Remember that a woman’s body differs from a man’s more fatty tissue and softer, more rounded shapes. Women have narrow shoulders and wide hips, while men have the opposite. There are other differences in the structure of the bodies of different sexes: the softness of facial features, the structure of the neck, collarbones, chest, buttocks.
Step 7
Pay attention to the person's head. The brightest part of her is her face. It can be different: round, wide, square. The main focus of attention is focused on it, especially on the eyes. Try to depict differently shaped eyes and eyebrows. Play with the arch of the eyebrows, the location of the eye sockets. With the help of the nose, you can also successfully convey the character of a person, as well as with the help of the mouth. Try to see the relationship between the head and arms, as hands can also give out emotion.