Often, adults only remember their childhood hobbies when their own child starts drawing, handicrafts, modeling or other work. When showing your kid how to portray animals, it is important to know this yourself. Your ability to quickly and beautifully draw a picture can please not only a child, but also everyone around, because cool "bears" have long won the hearts of people.

It is necessary
- - paper;
- - pencil;
- - paints or markers.
Step 1
Try to draw a formidable bear standing on its hind legs. Since this character will be more "cartoonish" than real, no one will be afraid of him. After you portray the bear, you can come up with a name for it and a whole series of adventure pictures.
Step 2
Place a sheet of paper in front of you vertically. Break the whole figure into basic basic shapes and lines. Round large head, long oval body and lines for further work on the limbs. The hind legs of the bear are shorter than the front ones, keep this in mind in your sketch.
Step 3
Divide the character with a barely visible line in half vertically, this will help you navigate and draw the bear symmetrically. Within the large head circle, draw a smaller circle at the bottom of the shape. There will be the nose and mouth of the beast.
Step 4
Make the top of the head flat, depict round ears on the sides of it. In a small circle, draw an oval nose and an animal's mouth, open in a smile or a grin. The eyes of a real brown bear are rather small, they are practically invisible in thickets of thick wool. But your character will not turn out to be a copy of the real one, so depict the big round eyes.
Step 5
Use smooth lines to connect the shapes to shape the body of the animal. Divide the ends of the paws into toes that end in long, curved claws. Make the hind limbs thick and curved. They end with wide feet, from which claws also stick out.
Step 6
You can draw an oval of a solid "belly" with a navel point in the middle of the bear's body. Make the animal shaggy, draw a zigzag along the contour of the drawing. It is better to paint the picture with bright colors or felt-tip pens.
Step 7
If you are drawing a bear for a child, draw raspberry bushes next to the figure, which the animal is eating. You can draw a caring bear with a basket to pick berries for the cubs.