A huge variety of fantastic comic book heroes have been invented. Let's stop our choice on one of the heroes - Batman, the Batman. Unlike all superheroes, he did not possess any fantastic abilities, but relied on his developed strength, flair, and intelligence. Drawing it is not difficult, follow the steps in order.

It is necessary
a sheet of paper, pencil, eraser, colored pencils, felt-tip pens or paints
Step 1
Place the sheet of paper vertically. Using a pencil, sketch out the silhouette of the figure with light strokes. Outline the head, with a large circle outline the muscular torso, the pelvis. Draw lines for the arms and legs, with small circles outline the hands and feet of the hero, the inflated calves on the legs. Outline the middle of the face and the line of the eyes to make it easier to draw the face. Draw the border for the batman's cloak. The result is a blank superhero. In principle, you can draw many other characters with it.
Step 2
Start drawing the shape. Start with the head, draw its famous "horns", draw the border of the mask, which ends near the nose. Draw small slanted eyes. Notice that the hero has practically no neck, the head passes into the shoulders in a straight line. Mark the beginning of the hero's cloak and his muscles on the arms.
Step 3
Next, let's move on to the character's torso. Draw his biceps, outline the lines of the muscles of the chest, the press, the borders of the gloves. Draw the superhero belt at the narrow waist, continue drawing the legs.
Step 4
Now draw the pumped-up calves using the auxiliary circles, the high-toed blunt boots. Notice that one leg in the figure is in profile, the other is frontal, that is, facing you. Don't forget to point your hands with thorns. Draw his cloak, make the end wavy, as if it develops in the wind.
Step 5
The penultimate stage - we erase all auxiliary lines. Do not forget to draw his trademark emblem on the chest - the sign of a black bat on a yellow background. Now the superhero can perform in color. For clarity and clarity, you can trace the drawing with a thin black felt-tip pen. In your work, use gray, black, blue (purple) and yellow. Use paints, crayons, or felt-tip pens. Create and paint a background for the hero, if desired. Your Batman is ready!