On Halloween, as in the framework of many other holidays, it is customary to perform various ceremonies and rituals. Special signs that originated many years ago are also attributed to this day. There are both good and bad among them. What signs are worth paying attention to during this frightening holiday season?

Halloween is traditionally celebrated on the night of October 31 to November 1. At nightfall, the peak of the celebration falls, but you can plunge into the Halloween atmosphere from the very morning on the last October day. Then it is worth starting to notice signs that can hint at good luck and wealth, or they can warn, be bad omens.
Good omens for Halloween
If a person who is on the street on a holiday is unexpectedly showered with yellow or red leaves, this promises a quick cash addition or some interesting surprise.
Having cut an apple in half for Halloween, you need to look at its core. If the bones are intact, then this promises good luck in all endeavors.
On a festive night, seven candles should be put on the windowsill. If you manage to light them all with one match, then the situation in the house will improve in the near future, it will be possible to solve any everyday problems.
Oddly enough, but a positive sign for Halloween is the clothes turned inside out. If in a hurry in the morning a person puts on something topsy-turvy, this will save him from misfortunes that could happen soon.
Finding metal money on the road on the road - a coin - is another positive sign that speaks of the onset of a period of financial prosperity.
If on the night of November 1 a person dreams of mirrors, ghosts / ghosts or rain, then a prosperous period awaits him.
If a spider appears at home on this autumn holiday, you cannot kill it, but you should not be afraid either. This is a sign that one of the deceased relatives is watching over the living and protecting them. However, there is another interpretation, which says that seeing a dark spider on Halloween is to the deceased and misfortune.
Halloween is a terrible holiday. If during it it turns out to be really scared, then this promises positive changes in life.

Bad omens for Halloween
On the eve of Halloween and on the festive night itself, you need to avoid the situation when you have to be in the rain. Bad weather on this holiday, in principle, does not bode well. If a person gets wet in the rain, then this predicts illness and deterioration of the situation at home, at work.
Birds sitting on the windowsill are a bad sign. If they are not quickly chased away, it will attract troubles and misfortunes. If an owl suddenly appears on the roof of the house, it means that someone will soon be buried in the house.
Seeing flowers, bushes and snow in a dream is a bad omen. She promises difficulties in life, a black period.
Candles that are constantly dying out are a bad sign on Halloween. It is believed that fire behaves like this if there are spirits and evil entities in the house / apartment.
If a hunchbacked person suddenly meets on the street, this means that all undertakings will be a failure.
It is considered a bad idea to make acquaintances or start a romance on Halloween. Such a relationship will be accompanied by numerous difficulties, deception and betrayal.