One of the male functions: protection. Protecting yourself, your family and your interests. Building a strong character begins in childhood. How to bring up a fighter in a boy? Sports come to the aid of parents.

Many believe that the sooner you send your son to the martial arts section, the better. However, psychologists do not recommend fighting sports for children under 14 years old. Why?
A child of primary school age (7-9 years old) has not yet been trained in strict discipline, emotions come to the fore. Today "I want", tomorrow "I do not want". At first, the boy will go to the section with pleasure, until the first sparring. Having received a portion of blows from a more skillful peer, the boy can withdraw into himself and by all means avoid repeating the situation. Of course, a lot depends on the coach, but he cannot force your child to attend classes regularly.
The game form of presenting information, convenient for younger students, is not acceptable in martial arts - there the coach's authority increases due to the same type of teams and discipline. Wait a bit with the sections honing the percussion technique - take care of your physical development.
The first step is to give the boy a swim in order to develop the shoulder girdle and breathing. Then football or other contact sport, so that the child is not afraid of losses and develops legs, quickness of reaction.
One-on-one hikes with his father in the mountains, joint jogging in the evenings build character. At the age of 12-14, adolescence will begin, when the surging hormones will require an adrenaline rush. Then martial arts will become a real salvation. And the desire to please girls will be the strongest incentive for practicing fighting sports.
What kind of martial arts should you choose? Hand-to-hand combat or mixed style (mix fight). This is due to the fact that on the street no one will comply with the fighter's code or sports rules, on the street the main thing is to fall correctly, covering his face, to seize the initiative in time and protect himself from injury.
In addition to sports skills, teach your child morality. Let him read smart books and watch films where the characters make themselves. Treat your son like a future man: involve him in male household chores, explain the rules of behavior with the elderly and girls. And remember: it is not enough to say, it is important to show by example.