Alana Mamaeva is the wife of the famous football player Pavel Mamaev. She has repeatedly found herself in the center of scandals and was subjected to harsh criticism. Alana announced a divorce from her husband after a fight in a cafe and his arrest, but so far she remains with him.

Modeling career and meeting with Pavel Mamaev
Alana Mamaeva (Khubetsova) was born on September 7, 1987 in Kaliningrad. She is Ossetian by nationality. Since childhood, Alana was distinguished by a very complex character. She did not do well in school and did not graduate. But this does not bother her at all and is even a reason for Alana's pride. Her mother recalls how the girl, in her school years, declared that she would achieve great success in life and would never work. She planned to live beautifully at the expense of wealthy men.
Alana worked as a model and even reached certain heights in this field, but her career had to end after she met her first husband. It was the popular kickboxer Alexander Lipovoy. In 2011, Alana participated with him in the Let's Get Married program. Lipovoy chose her, but later the audience revealed the deception. At the time of filming, Alana and Alexander were already living together, and participation in the program was needed for PR. In a marriage with Lipov, a son, Alex, was born. But the birth of a child did not save the family from disintegration.

In 2012, Alana met Pavel Mamaev. The meeting happened by chance. They both ended up in a company of mutual friends. The famous football player already at the first meeting appreciated the beautiful girl, took her phone number, and then their romance developed rapidly. In 2013, they were officially married. In 2014, their daughter Alice was born.

Family life and scandals
Alana Mamaeva is a bright and unpredictable personality. After the birth of her daughter, she became interested in improving her own appearance. There are many tattoos on her body. The wife of the football player does not hide that she has repeatedly used the services of plastic surgeons. She reshaped her nose, corrected her cheekbones, enlarged her breasts and buttocks.

Alana moved with her husband to Krasnodar, but a calm and measured life never attracted her. The wife of a football player is constantly in the center of scandals and has already managed to gain a reputation as a brawler. A very unpleasant incident occurred when she criticized Krasnodar and the people living in this city. Alana said that there is nowhere to go, there is no one to communicate with, because the standard of living is far from being in Moscow.
The relationship between the spouses Mamaevs has always been stormy. Alana is very jealous, she controls every step of her husband and more than once rolled up scandals if she had suspicions of Paul's infidelity. In an interview, she said that her husband is constantly cheating on her and she is already used to it. Several times, in a fit of jealousy, she smashed her husband's car with a hammer.

After a video appeared on the network, in which Alana, being in an almost insane state, asks a man for illegal drugs and offers her expensive phone for this, a major scandal erupted. Mamaeva was accused of drug addiction and, as yet another proof, they cited her not entirely healthy thinness. Alana later commented on this case. She stated that the video is just a production and she was just joking, and Mamaeva completely denies the accusations against her.
Scandal involving Mamaev
At the end of 2018, a major scandal broke out involving Alana's husband and his friend. Kokorin and Mamaev were resting in a bar and, being intoxicated, beat the official. All their actions were filmed and subsequently used as evidence of the players' guilt. Kokorin and Mamaev were placed in a pre-trial detention center.

Many called Alana's behavior in this situation strange. At first, she stated that she condemns her husband and no longer wants to have anything to do with him, she plans to file for divorce. A little later, she changed her mind and said that everything said was a joke, you should not think badly of her, as she will not be able to leave her husband without support.
After a while, Alana began to write on her page on one of the social networks that she was suffering greatly and was going through all this very hard, since at the time of the fight there was a beautiful girl next to Pavel. She was once again convinced that her husband was cheating on her. Alana did not behave quite adequately when she tried to convict in an intimate relationship with her husband all famous women who spoke out in defense of football players. Pavel did not like this very much.
Alana Mamaeva actively communicates with her subscribers on social networks, putting her life on display, constantly asking for advice. To draw public attention to the arrest of football players, she started producing sweatshirts with provocative slogans. The clothes are not cheap, but Alana has promised to donate all the proceeds from her sale to charity. Most of Mamaev's fans condemned her for this act, reproaching her for wanting to sell the athlete's name. The purpose of this action is also not entirely clear.