The desire to bewitch arises most often from despair. There are many stories of love spells and they are all, as a rule, very similar to each other. There was love, there was a relationship, and suddenly, for no reason at all, a man begins to move away and behave strangely. The strong alliance is crumbling. How to recognize that your man has become a victim of witchcraft, and how the bewitched begins to behave.

Signs of a love spell
If a married man, a loving father of the family, suddenly begins to hate his home and family, we can say with a great deal of confidence that he was bewitched. The person begins to behave strangely, suffers from sudden mood swings, begins to lose interest in life and often begins to even think about suicide.
A charmed man begins to get tired more often, it seems that something unknown is sucking out of him the vital energy and will to live. He does not even dare to admit to himself that something is wrong with him, on the contrary, he is sure that the situation is completely under his control.
He answers all questions aggressively. Attacks of hatred in him for no reason give way to tides of tenderness. If the paternal instinct somehow works for the children of the bewitched man, then he begins to hate his wife for moments.
What happens in the family of a bewitched man
When a man is under the influence of a love spell, he is no longer his own master. His will is completely subordinate to the one who made the love spell on him. He just unconsciously pulls there.
A negative energy field is created around the bewitched person. And you can even say that the love spell is contagious. Children receive negative energy from their parents.
A man cannot be near his household. Phrases like “how tired of you everything”, “these noisy children annoy me” and “why are you always pushing me” become familiar and commonplace. What the man himself feels is involuntarily passed on to his children. The father starts to get nervous too, and they try with all their might to fence themselves off from him.
In addition, in the house where the bewitched person lives, troubles begin to happen constantly. Even if a man decides to leave the family, a nervous atmosphere continues to persist in the house. It is very difficult for children to grow up in such a house.
When a love spell is applied to a man, he seems to lose his destiny, and even after removing the love spell, it takes a lot of time and effort to get life back on track. It is necessary to restore the life path of the whole family.
If you see these signs and understand that your beloved has been bewitched, then in no case should you do anything yourself. You need to go to church or to a specialist who has the appropriate knowledge and can help.