The question of who you were in a past life interests many. In fact, it is not so difficult to determine, you just need to take a closer look at yourself and your surroundings.

If you are now a woman, most likely, in a past life you were a man and vice versa, but this is not at all necessary, gender may remain. If you are a woman and your relationship with men is not going well, chances are, you have offended many women in the past as a man. In this life, you found yourself in the shoes of your past victims in order to understand how they felt.
What are you best at doing? You probably had this kind of occupation in your previous incarnation. In youth, craving for those activities that prevailed in you in the distant (or not so) past can be especially strong. After 20 years, there is an "adaptation" to the current existence, and the occupation can change dramatically. What you have a hobby in this life could be your main job in the past.
Think of a person with whom you just can't find a common language. Most likely, in a past life you had a conflict with him. Perhaps he even killed you (or you killed him). If there is a persistent dislike for someone for no apparent reason, perhaps the reason is precisely in a difficult relationship in a past life. Imagine your enemy and listen to yourself, what thoughts and feelings you have, what muscles are tense, perhaps an unpleasant sensation or pain appears somewhere in the body. For example, when you remember someone, you feel anger or fear, tension appears in your chest. The chances are that this individual killed you with a shot in the heart. But this is not necessary, there may be another explanation. Watch your thoughts. Which one comes first is likely to be correct. Thoughts don't come by accident.
There may be several assumptions, and this is not surprising, because we have more than one life behind us, there may be dozens of them. And if in past incarnations we have unresolved problems with someone, we will meet with them again and again in order to find the right way out and learn to build the right relationship based on love and forgiveness.