Is it true that after death a person's soul does not die, but continues to live? Surprisingly, there is no serious and confirmed data about such a seemingly fundamental concept of life on Earth. All that is available today to a person who is interested in who he was in a past life is a mosaic of different religions and individual studies of individual psychotherapists.

Step 1
The concept of reincarnation or transmigration of souls is found in various religious traditions. Despite this, there is no unity in understanding the goals of the arrangement of this order of things between representatives of different confessions. However, the very idea that after the death of the physical body, some immortal subtle essence (soul, individuality) continues to exist in a different quality and after a while returns to Earth again, a person brought up in modern materialistic views, can, to put it mildly, overthrow in shock. First of all, because if we assume the real existence of reincarnation, we will have to revise the traditional concepts of good and evil, life and death.
Step 2
However, while some people talk about reincarnation, others are exploring it to the fullest. One of the most famous doctors who have dedicated their lives to research on soul transmigration is hypnotherapist Michael Newton. In his work with patients, he uses regressive hypnosis, which allows a person to "fall" into memories of their previous incarnations and relive past events. It turns out to be interesting that the close people around us today were just as close to us before. And such a course of things, according to the author, corresponds to the Great Concept of the evolution of souls.
Step 3
However, not all psychotherapists share Dr. Newton's passion for hypnosis. So, the Russian doctor Valentina Sergeevna Chupyatova offers her own method of immersion in the experience of past lives, which is called meditative reincarnation psychotherapy. It is based on short-term meditation (less than 2 minutes) in which negative sensory or physical sensations are projected onto a time outside the current life. At the same time, the individual realizes that the origins of today's world perception are in a different time space.
Step 4
If you are curious about who you have been in past lives and are brave enough to have a similar experience, make an appointment with a regression therapist. An immediate session is usually preceded by a preparatory conversation and a test. There are not very many such doctors in Russia, therefore, when choosing, study the information on their websites and discuss all the conditions in advance.