Why Do Wasps Dream

Why Do Wasps Dream
Why Do Wasps Dream

Wasps bring a lot of troubles to a person in life. Unlike hardworking bees, which die after their first sting, wasps can sting people countless times. Dreaming wasps, like living ones, can bring no less trouble in the future.

Wasps in a dream are envious people in reality
Wasps in a dream are envious people in reality

Why do wasps dream? Family dream book

If a person dreams of wasps, then soon his reputation may be tarnished. This, in turn, can cause irreparable damage to the dreamer almost for life. Insects that sting in a dream are harbingers of the appearance of new gossip and gossip. The dreamer is advised to be more careful and carefully look around, since envious people and gossips can hide under the masks of noble people from his environment and use him for their own purposes.

Wasps in the modern dream book

Dreaming wasps are a symbol of future troubles, as well as those with envious people and enemies. If these insects bite, losses and losses are coming. Jealousy is not excluded. If the wasps are constantly buzzing over the dreamer's head, in real life he is more likely to be in the center of some kind of scandal.

Among interpreters, there is an opinion that insecure people see dreams with wasps. In life, they are afraid to hear censure and disapproval from society.

Why do wasps dream according to Freud?

Sigmund Freud reports that such dreams speak of a varied sex life filled with vivid sensations. In other words, there is nothing wrong with such dreams. Moreover, the scientist claims that the variety of sexual life directly depends on the number of insects seen in a dream: the more wasps, the brighter the intimate life. Destroying hornets' nests, destroying insects - to the deliberate suppression of their sexual desires and aspirations. Perhaps the owner of such a dream is tired of life.

Family dream book

If in a dream you brush a wasp off your shoulder that has not yet had time to sting, then in reality you can find out in time about certain negative intentions on the part of enemies and envious people. Seeing a swarm of hornets in a dream is a sign of favorable changes.

If you kill or neutralize the wasps in a dream, then you can expect pleasant events - promotion, material reward, the collapse of envious people. Often, these insects can portend a quarrel with best friends.

If men dream of being bitten by wasps, then this speaks of latent homosexuality. In other words, a man subconsciously dreams of being in a relationship with another man.

Wasps in Hasse's dream book

If you just watch these insects in a dream, then you can get some good news. If the wasps sting the dreamer, then in reality an unexpected separation from an important person is coming. A hive teeming with these insects dreams of loss of strength, decline. If wasps chase a person in a dream, then in reality he may be jealous of someone. It is not recommended to overuse this. Otherwise, you might lose all your friends.
