Today's collection is for those who like to solve riddles and watch movies with exciting stories and an unexpected ending.

Here are six films that will keep you on your toes until the end
1. The game. According to the plot of the film, the brother of the protagonist, a very wealthy man, gives the first a certificate for the game on his birthday. At the same time, what is the essence of the game is kept silent. The main character comes to the office for his gift, after which a real game begins, full of adventure and adrenaline. First, an unknown person sneaks into his house, leaving the clown, then someone speaks to him through the TV, and then unknown people try to kill him. The hero's brother is also involved in the game. What's going on? How to get out of the game? There is no answer to this question. A survival game is in progress. And until the very end of the film, the viewer remains in the dark how it might end.
2. Island of the Damned. The main character is a participant in the Second World War. He arrives on the island with a companion, where a mental hospital is located. Their main goal is to deal with the disappearance of the patient. But a conspiracy is organized against him: he is convinced that he himself needs treatment. The film will end completely unexpectedly. Than? See for yourself. 3. Abode of the damned. A young doctor comes to a psychiatric clinic, where patients, in his opinion, are treated with strange methods. Here he draws attention to a girl who ended up in a clinic for the murder of her husband who tortured her. At the end, an interesting discovery awaits the audience. 4. The perfect stranger. The plot of the film is based on a journalist who can write any, even the most scandalous article. She is investigating the murder of a childhood friend, with the help of her partner. The film is not the most exciting action, but the end turns everything that happened. 5. Passenger. The main character lives an ordinary life. For many years he travels to work on the same train, sees the same people. One day, a woman sits down with the main character, who offers a game - to find out who is on the train for the first time. For the game, the main character, who lost his job, was offered a good amount of money. As a result of this game, it becomes clear who is the friend and who is the enemy.
6. Disappeared. On the day of the wedding anniversary, the protagonist returns home and finds signs of a struggle. His wife has disappeared. In the film, everything is stacked against the main character. He is practically accused of murdering his wife. At the same time, the evidence testifies against him. According to tradition, on the day of the anniversary, his wife leaves him charades, solving which he follows the trail and realizes that everything is not as it seems.
These films will make you think and leave a stunning impression. Enjoy!