From the point of view of the ancient horoscope of the Celts, a person born between December 24 and January 20 is under the auspices of a deer. Such a totem animal endows a person with certain qualities, for example, an optimistic outlook on the world and stubbornness, which helps to achieve goals.

For the Celts, deer were a kind of sacred animals, endowed with amazing wisdom and unusual magical powers. The Celts believed that the deer know how to find magical herbs and roots, with the help of which one can fight any bodily or mental ailment. The deer is an animal that aroused admiration and endless respect among the ancient Celts.
A person who is patronized by a deer receives as a gift from his totem animal excellent intuition, a non-standard view of the world and various secret abilities that can and should be groped and developed during life. For example, people who, according to the Celtic horoscope, are deer, can learn to heal by touch, they make excellent healers, sorceresses, herbalists and diviners. A deer man from a young age should not ignore his own talents and abilities, then his life will be full of joy and light.
The deer is closely associated with creativity and spiritual growth. Therefore, more often than not, people born during a deer experience a craving for art throughout their lives. They have a delicate taste, developed creativity, they know how to think outside the box and be creative in solving various issues. Such personalities have a quick mind, they are quick-witted, curious, they are attracted by everything new and unusual. Inside them, inspiration always burns, which helps to relive even the most difficult moments and cope with various troubles on the path of life. In addition, a person who is a deer according to the Celtic horoscope of animals strives for self-development.
People-deer are characterized by quick reactions, decisiveness, steadfastness of opinion. They are hardy, stubborn, stubborn and ready to achieve their goals at any cost. Where the other person passes, the deer will move decisively forward. Such people are usually not afraid of obstacles, they do not abandon their plans and, as a rule, in the end they achieve what they want, no matter what.
Such a totemic animal as a deer gives a person a large supply of vitality and energy. In order not to become too impulsive or aggressive, a deer-man is recommended to lead an active lifestyle: to play sports or dance, sit less in front of the TV or at a laptop, spend more time outdoors and travel the world more often.
A person born under the sign of a deer is usually observational. Such personalities are attentive, empathetic, they have an excellent memory. In addition, people who are patronized by a deer are distinguished by excellent patience. They are hardworking, can do routine work for a long time, despite the craving for creativity.
From the point of view of the Celtic animal horoscope, the deer is closely associated with the night, the moon, moonlight. Therefore, people who are patronized by this wild animal should not be afraid of the full moon. Moonlight will recharge you and help you cope with depression, apathy or chronic fatigue.
In order to constantly keep himself in good shape, a deer man should not forget about generosity and kindness. You need to be open to this world and ready to help those who seek advice or support. If a deer-man becomes stingy, withdraws into himself, begins to show aggression, then gradually he will face health problems, including mental ones.